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The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Laboratory

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Laboratory conducts research in the fields of characterisation, protection, planning and management of ecosystems, conservation of biodiversity and assessment of ecosystem services, including the use of bio-indication methodologies, aimed at assessing environmental quality, the effects of climate change and human impact.

Specifically, the Laboratory:

• carries out studies for the understanding of environmental mechanisms and for the assessment of long-term trends on ecosystems induced by natural changes and/or anthropic activities, focusing on biodiversity of aquatic and terrestrial environments and employing an integrated and multidisciplinary approach;

• develops the knowledge base required for spatial environmental planning and for the definition of conservation measures (Protected Areas, Natura 2000 Network, Ecological Networks, etc.);

• designs and implements short, medium and long-term observation systems within the framework of national and international programmes for environmental observation and the assessment of the evolutionary trends;

• defines and develops criteria, procedures, integrated systems and technologies (in cooperation with public administrations, green and blue economy entrepreneurs and technology clusters) for the protection of natural resources;

• defines monitoring strategies and methodologies to support management, and works together with industrial partners to promote the development of appropriate observation and measurement technologies;

• creates tools/infrastructure for data storage and dissemination to the research community, local operators and the public;

• promotes scientific culture and knowledge for the enhancement and conservation of natural capital.


Status: ongoing

  • Guardiani della Costa

  • Assistenza tecnica per l'introduzione di tecnologie innovative e strumenti per ridurre il rischio e la vulnerabilità e rafforzare l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico nell’ecosistema marino cubano

  • Small MICROplastics bioindicaToRs in the changing ArctiC EnviRonment

  • Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network

Status: Completed