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Structure - Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio

Division Anthropic and Climate Change Impacts

The Laboratory performs research activity, innovation and technological transfer aimed to the application of innovative anti-seismic systems to protect industrial plants (chemical and nuclear) and strategical buildings (schools, hospitals), both new and existing, also belonging to the cultural heritage.

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Laboratory conducts research in the fields of characterisation, protection, planning and management of ecosystems, conservation of biodiversity and assessment of ecosystem services, including the use of bio-indication methodologies, aimed at assessing environmental quality, the effects of climate change and human impact.

The Observations and Measurements for Environment and Climate Laboratory carries out studies and research activities for the characterisation and remediation of the territory and understanding of the climate system and its variability, with the aim of contributing to the knowledge of the environment and climate, employing a multidisciplinary approach centred on the measurement, analysis and interpretation of environmental and climate parameters collected both during specific measurement campaigns and as part of longterm observations. The Laboratory offers consultancy and specialised services in the field of planning and implementation of initiatives to develop, protect and restore the environment and cultural heritage in support of the public administrations.