Laboratory Technologies for the Safeguard of Architectural and Cultural Heritage
The Laboratory develops designs and validates innovative systems and technologies for the protection and valorisation of architectural and cultural heritage. It evaluates the conservation state of Cultural Heritage through non-destructive diagnostics and analysis of materials and develops restoration techniques using sustainable and innovative materials (bio-restoration, new materials). It provides advice and specialised services supporting bodies responsible for safeguard of Cultural Heritage.
It carries out studies on the feasibility of restoration of civil or historical and artistic interest buildings and on their structural vulnerability.
It performs activities of prevention of anthropic and natural risks on architectural and cultural heritage and implements systems of mitigation of their effects through the developments of strategies to enhance the resiliency and reduce the vulnerability also through monitoring and remote-sensing techniques and on-site and non-destructive diagnostic tests.
It develops selective and safe procedures for bio-cleaning and conservation in Cultural Heritage, studying the applicability of processes mediated by microorganisms, methodologies for diagnostic, functional tests and the use of bio-based materials for sustainable construction.
Status: ongoing
Scuola della Ricostruzione e della Resilienza
MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales
Renovation packagEs for HOlistic improvement of EU’s bUildingS Efficiency, maximizing RES generation and cost-effectiveness
Status: Completed
INnovazioni BIO e NANOtecnologiche nel de-restauro, conservazione e restauro sostenibile dei Manufatti in LEGNO dei Beni Culturali. Casi studio su campioni archeologici, storico-artistici e dell’arte contemporanea
Biomateriali per il restauro sostenibile dei beni culturali attraverso la valorizzazione di specie vegetali multifunzionali: Opuntia ficus-indica e Capsicum spp