Characterization, conservation and enhancement of biodiversity
Enhancement of the natural heritage through the development of information materials, emerged/submerged nature trails, awareness and training of scholars and local operators, educational tourism initiatives and activation of research programs in which students and citizens can participate (Citizen Science).
Citizens play a significant role in promoting environmental protection. It is therefore essential to disclose research results to favor conscious behavior leading to a sustainable use of resources.
The Division disseminates scientific culture and knowledge for the development and conservation of the natural capital in its areas of competence through:
• higher education (internships for Bachelor and Master degrees, PhDs, postdocs, organization of training courses and workshop)
• science education workshops for primary, secondary and high school
• courses of environmental education
• thematic exhibitions as part of events
• multimedia interventions on social networks for the general public
• promotion of Citizen Science initiatives
• development of information materials
• creation of nature trails
In details:
Terrestrial ecosystems
Marine ecosystems
• Set up of underwater trails and publication of texts aimed to enhance and disseminate the characteristics and biodiversity of coastal marine habitats. The activities raise awareness about the importance of the conservation strategies necessary for a conscious and sustainable use of the natural underwater heritage
River ecosystems and wetlands
Support to management actions and policies for development of the territory also through the definition of standards for initiating environmental certification processes and establishing local environmental quality brands.
ENEA provides technical and scientific support to the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea (MoE) and to the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) about the implementation processes of national and European regulations concerning ecosystems protection of land management
Collaborates with the system of Environmental Agencies (ARPA/APPA), Regions, local authorities and management bodies of protected areas, for the transfer of knowledge about policies, strategies and innovative methodologies for the environmental assessment, as well as with universities and research organizations in the creation of prototype studies
It provides support to the government in the implementation of the EC “Marine Strategy Framework Directive” (MSFD) 2008/56/EC for the assessment of the Good Environmental Status (GES) and the definition of criteria and policies for a sustainable use of the resources
It supports the government in the implementation of the "Water" Directive and represents Italy in the Geographical Intercalibration Groups for the application of the "Water" Directive 2000/60/EC.