Maurizio De Cassan
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Heavy metal background levels and pollution temporal trend assessment within the marine sediments facing a brownfield area (Gulf of Pozzuoli, Southern Italy),
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 194, Number 11, (2022)
Heavy metal content and potential ecological risk assessment of sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon National Park (Morocco),
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Jan-05-2022, Volume 194, Issue 5, Number 5, (2022)
Assessment of Trace Metals in Sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon (Tarfaya, Morocco),
, Earth, Jan-03-2021, Volume 2, Issue 1, p.16 - 31, (2021)
Current status of coastal sediments contamination in the former industrial area of Bagnoli-Coroglio (Naples, Italy),
, Chemistry and Ecology, Feb-07-2020, Volume 36, Issue 6, Number 6, p.579–597, (2020)
Multisource water characterisation for water supply and management strategies on a small Mediterranean Island,
, Hydrogeology Journal, Jan-06-2020, Volume 28, Issue 4, p.1155 - 1171, (2020)
Studies On The Textural Characteristics of Sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon (Southern Coast of Morocco),
, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), Volume 11, Issue 12, (2020)
Antimony and arsenic distribution in a catchment affected by past mining activities: influence of extreme weather events,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 28, Number 2, p.303–315, (2017)
Monitoraggio e caratterizzazione geochimica delle acque superficiali, sotterranee e dei sedimenti fluviali dell'area di San Giuliano di Puglia (CB),
Monitoraggio e caratterizzazione geochimica delle acque superficiali, sotterranee e dei sedimenti fluviali nell'area di San Giuliano di Puglia,
, RT/2016/14/ENEA, Roma, (2016)
Uranium natural levels in water and soils: assessment of the Italian situation in relation to quality standards for drinking water,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 27, Number 1, p.39-50, (2016)
A Hydrological and geochemical survey of the groundwater resource of Favignana Island,
, Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, (2015)
Preliminary data on PGES (platinum group elements) and REE (rare earth elements) in urban soils in Novi Sad (Serbia) in relation to car catalytic converters emission,
, 9th Congress protection of soil as a factor of sustainable development of rural areas and improvement of environment, 11/2015, (2015)
Minor elements Hydro-geochemistry for cabonate aquifer characterization (Gran Sasso, Central Italy),
, Flowpath 2014, 06/2014, Volume National Meeting on Hydrogeology, (2014)
Heavy metals in soil and plants of Rome and Novi Sad urban areas,
, Italian - Serbian Bilateral Cooperation on Science, Technologu an Humanities, 11/2013, (2013)
A methodology for environmental urban planning in Bursa (Turkey),
, Air pollution modeling and its application XVI, p.615-616, (2004)
Monitoraggio ambientale a Baia di Terra Nova. Determinazione di idrocarburi policiclici aromatici e di metalli pesanti in campioni di particolato atmosferico,
, La contaminazione chimica in Antartide, 06/2002, Viareggio, (2002)
European Marine Information Sistem: EUMARIS prototype,
, Inter-Regional Forum of European Conventions, Venezia, (1999)
Study of the atmosferic concentration of some air pollutants (SO2,NOx,O3),
, La Chimica dell'atmosfera, Firenze, (1994)
Concentrazione di Rn nella acque sotterranee e nelle manifestazioni fumaroliche in aree vulcaniche. Risultati delle ricerche nell'isola di vulcano e nei Campi Flegrei,
, XXVIII Congresso Nazionale AIRP, Taormina , p.493-502, (1993)
Elementi maggiori, minori e in traccia nelle acque e nelle fumarole dell'Isola di Vulcano. Attività svolta dall U.R. ENEA nel periodo 1/7/1990-31/12/1991,
, Convegno scientifico annuale del Gruppo Nazionale di Vulcanologia, 03/1992, Palermo, (1992)