Raffaela Caprioli
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Filters: Author is Raffaela Caprioli
An insight on possible toxicity mechanism of fibrous erionite,
, Periodico di Mineralogia, Volume 92, Number 2, p.191 – 201, (2023)
Heavy metal background levels and pollution temporal trend assessment within the marine sediments facing a brownfield area (Gulf of Pozzuoli, Southern Italy),
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 194, Number 11, (2022)
Heavy metal content and potential ecological risk assessment of sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon National Park (Morocco),
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Jan-05-2022, Volume 194, Issue 5, Number 5, (2022)
Assessment of Trace Metals in Sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon (Tarfaya, Morocco),
, Earth, Jan-03-2021, Volume 2, Issue 1, p.16 - 31, (2021)
Surface and bulk modifications of fibrous erionite in mimicked gamble’s solution at acidic ph,
, Minerals, Volume 11, Number 9, (2021)
Current status of coastal sediments contamination in the former industrial area of Bagnoli-Coroglio (Naples, Italy),
, Chemistry and Ecology, Feb-07-2020, Volume 36, Issue 6, Number 6, p.579–597, (2020)
Studies On The Textural Characteristics of Sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon (Southern Coast of Morocco),
, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), Volume 11, Issue 12, (2020)
Indicatori di qualità per la IV gamma,
, Ingredienti Alimentari, 01/2015, Volume 78, (2015)
Flavonoid profiling of some tartary buckwheat varieties by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-Q-ToF-MS),
, 3rd MS Food Day, Trento (Italy), (2013)
Monitoraggio ambientale a Baia di Terra Nova. Determinazione di idrocarburi policiclici aromatici e di metalli pesanti in campioni di particolato atmosferico,
, La contaminazione chimica in Antartide, 06/2002, Viareggio, (2002)
200 years of isotope and chemical records in a firn core from Hercules Neve, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica,
, Annals of Glaciology, 1999///, Volume 29, p.106 - 112, (1999)
Chemical profiles from snow pits and shallow firn cores and snow accumulation on Campbell Glacier (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica),
, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 1997///, Volume 20, p.241 - 247, (1997)
Variation of major and trace elements in some of the lakes at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica), December 1990-February 1991,
, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1994///, Volume 55, p.179 - 195, (1994)
Concentrazione di Rn nella acque sotterranee e nelle manifestazioni fumaroliche in aree vulcaniche. Risultati delle ricerche nell'isola di vulcano e nei Campi Flegrei,
, XXVIII Congresso Nazionale AIRP, Taormina , p.493-502, (1993)
Determination of copper, nickel, zinc, cobalt and manganese in seawater by chelation ion chromatography,
, Journal of Chromatography, 1993///, Volume 640, p.365 - 369, (1993)
Elementi maggiori, minori e in traccia nelle acque e nelle fumarole dell'Isola di Vulcano. Attività svolta dall U.R. ENEA nel periodo 1/7/1990-31/12/1991,
, Convegno scientifico annuale del Gruppo Nazionale di Vulcanologia, 03/1992, Palermo, (1992)
Sediment and interstitial water chemistry of the Orbeteflo lagoon (Grosseto, Italy); nutrient diffusion across the water-sediment interface,
, Hydrobiologia, 1992///, Volume 235-236, p.553 - 568, (1992)