Stefania Bruni
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Characterization and Formation Mechanism of Ag2MoO4 Crystals via Precipitation Method: Influence of Experimental Parameters and Crystal Morphology,
, Crystals, Volume 14, Number 3, (2024)
Exfoliation of Molecular Solids by the Synergy of Ultrasound and Use of Surfactants: A Novel Method Applied to Boric Acid,
, Molecules, Volume 29, Number 14, (2024)
Removal of Organic Materials from Mytilus Shells and Their Morphological and Chemical-Physical Characterisation,
, Crystals, Volume 14, Number 5, (2024)
A Study of Accelerated Corrosion of Stainless Steels under Highly Oxidizing Conditions,
, Coatings, Volume 14, Number 4, (2024)
Analysis of an archaeological linen cloth: The shroud of Arquata,
, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 167, (2020)
Diagnostic investigations on the Barberini harp,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 31, Number 2, p.455-460, (2020)
Morphological study of Ionic Exchange Resins to support the 14 C release investigation from radioactive wastes - EURATOM CAST project,
, Radiocarbon, Volume 60, Number 6, p.1809-1817, (2018)
ND in situ tests and laboratory experimental campaign on the timber beams of the tower of Montorio in Bolognese Apenines) Italy,
, Prohitech ’17, 3rd International Conference on protection of historical construction, (2017)
Study of the materials of historical buildings by Sem analysis processed in GIS system,
, Prohitech ’17, 3rd International Conference on protection of historical construction, (2017)
Alteration phenomena on surfaces of stained glasses by masters from XIII to XV century,
, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 154, p.171-176, (2014)
The reconstruction plan of the town of Arsita after the 2009 Abruzzo (Italy) seismic event,
, SAHC - Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, (2014)
La copertura in legno del palazzo Cadore a Cento (FE): diagnosi e caratterizzazione meccanica di un'antica struttura antisismica,
, XI Congresso nazionale IGIIC. Lo stato dell’arte, (2013)
L'era post-pc: utilizzo avanzato dei nuovi strumenti digitali,
, XI Congresso nazionale IGIIC. Lo stato dell’arte, (2013)
Post-earthquake recovery of Architectural Heritage: diagnostics, GIS documentation and restoration,
, Built Heritage 2013 – Monitoring, conservation, management, (2013)
Sludge dewatering using macrophytes in a small wastewater treatment system: A case study of a pilot scale plant in Northern Italy,
, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 38, Number 10, p.2425-2433, (2003)
Mutagenic activity of total and particle-sized fractions of urban particulate matter,
, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 30, Number 12, p.3512-3516, (1996)
SEM analysis of injuries induced in the trachea of rat by inhalation of sodium combustion products,
, Experimental Pathology, Volume 37, Number 1-4, p.281-284, (1989)
Morphological injuries and kinetic clearance affectation in trachea of rats exposed to sodium combustion products,
, Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 18, Number 6, p.729-732, (1987)