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Methodologies, tools and services for environmental management

Applied ecology and ecosystem services

Development of the knowledge needed for territorial environmental planning and the definition of conservation measures (Protected Areas, Natura 2000, Ecological Networks etc.).
Characterization, planning and land management, with a special focus on protected areas (Parks, SCI, SPA), in collaboration with the Managing Authorities, aimed to the realization of environmental restoration and re-naturalization interventions and to the preparation of planning tools

Analytical methods and systems innovative for environmental diagnostics

The ENEA Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory has been working since time in the development of innovative methods in the field of environmental analysis, aimed at the quality and reliability of the collected data, but also at saving time and costs. The aim is to develop and test new methods and portable analytical instruments and investigation techniques that are inexpensive, fast and easy to use for in field measurement, which, through a proper screening allow reliable results with only few samples subject to validation by more time consuming and costly laboratory analyses.