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Lithium insertion into carbonaceous materials and transition metal oxides from high performance polymer electrolytes

TitleLithium insertion into carbonaceous materials and transition metal oxides from high performance polymer electrolytes
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsAppetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Marassi R., Persi L., Romagnoli P., and Scrosati B.
JournalElectrochimica Acta
KeywordsAnodes, Carbonaceous materials, Cathodes, Graphite, High performance polymer electrolytes, Interfaces (materials), Lithium batteries, Lithium insertion, Oxides, Plastic lithium ion batteries, Polyelectrolytes, Transition metal oxides, Transition metals

The electrochemical characteristics of gel-type polymer electrolyte membranes of interest for the development of plastic lithium ion batteries are presented and discussed. Particular attention is devoted to the interfacial behavior of both negative (i.e. carbonaceous materials) and positive (i.e. lithium transition metal oxides) electrodes.


cited By 18

Citation KeyAppetecchi199923