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Recovery by ultrafiltration of a commercial enzyme for cellulose hydrolysis

TitleRecovery by ultrafiltration of a commercial enzyme for cellulose hydrolysis
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsPizzichini, Massimo, Fabiani Claudio, and Sperandei Maria
JournalSeparation Science and Technology
Pagination175 - 187
Date Published1991///

An enzymatic process of cellulose hydrolysis based mainly on the use of membrane techniques is under study. The proposed flow sheet assumes that during cellulose hydrolysis the enzyme is continuously separated from glucose and cellobiose and is recycled in the cellulose reaction vessel by membrane ultrafiltration. The ultrafiltration of Celluclast enzyme by Novo is performed in a DDS column module assembled with flat polysulfone membranes. Membrane polarization effects are studied in the 0.1-5% w/v enzyme concentration range under varying pressures up to 600 kPa. A partial loss of enzymatic activity is observed as a consequence of the ultrafiltration and membrane washing operations.


Export Date: 26 August 2010Source: Scopus

Citation Key488