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Variation of major and trace elements in some of the lakes at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica), December 1990-February 1991

TitleVariation of major and trace elements in some of the lakes at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica), December 1990-February 1991
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsCaprioli, Raffaela, Falchi G., Gragnani R., and ToRcini S.
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Pagination179 - 195
Date Published1994///

The data regarding the chemical composition of lake waters sampled in the area of Edmonson Point, Carezza, Inexpressible Island, Andersson Ridge and Tarn Flat will be presented and discussed in this paper. The averages of total dissolved solids (TDS) of each lake range from 95 mg l-1 to 3765 mg l-1. The chemical composition is characterized by high contents of Na and Cl. During the sampling period the salinity showed constant or increasing values. The processes that condition this behaviour will be examined and discussed. In general, the concentration of trace elements does not reveal any significant trend over time, and only the lakes’ nickel content changes with respect to the increase in salinity.


Cited By (since 1996): 3Export Date: 26 August 2010Source: Scopus

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