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Air pollution impact assessment on agroecosystem and human health characterisation in the area surrounding the industrial settlement of Milazzo (Italy): A multidisciplinary approach, Triolo, L., Binazzi A., Cagnetti P., Carconi P., Correnti A., De Luca E., Bonito R., Grandoni G., Mastrantonio Marina, Rosa S., et al. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 140, Number 1-3, p.191-209, (2008)
Assessment of the effects of soil PAH accumulation by a battery of ecotoxicological tests, Manzo, Sonia, De Nicola F., F. Picione De Luca, Maisto G., and Alfani A. , Chemosphere, Volume 71, Number 10, p.1937-1944, (2008)
Chemical composition of wet and dry atmospheric depositions in an urban environment: Local, regional and long-range influences, Morselli, L., Bernardi E., Vassura I., Passarini F., and Tesini E. , Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, Volume 59, Number 3, p.151-170, (2008)
Comparison between ozone monitoring data and modelling data, in Italy, from the perspective of health indicator assessments, De Marco, Alessandra, Screpanti Augusto, Racalbuto S., Pignatelli T., Vialetto G., Monforti F., and Zanini Gabriele , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 116, Skiathos, p.125-134, (2008)
A comprehensive performance evaluation of the air quality model BOLCHEM to reproduce the ozone concentrations over Italy, Mircea, Mihaela, D'Isidoro Massimo, Maurizi A., Vitali Lina, Monforti F., Zanini Gabriele, and Tampieri F. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 42, Number 5, p.1169-1185, (2008)
A continuous vibration analysis model for cables with sag and bending stiffness, Ricciardi, G., and Saitta Fernando , Engineering Structures, Jan-05-2008, Volume 30, Issue 5, Number 5, p.1459-1472, (2008)
Dynamics of suprabenthos-zooplankton communities around the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean): Influence of environmental variables and effects on the biological cycle of Aristeus antennatus, Cartes, J.E., Madurell T., Fanelli E., and López-Jurado J.L. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 71, Number 3-4, p.316-335, (2008)
Ecotoxicological evaluation of a soil core from a disused industrial site contaminated by hydrocarbons and heavy metals, Manzo, Sonia, Picione F.D.L., Musella R., Carotenuto R., and Rocco A. , Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 17, Number 11 B, p.1917-1923, (2008)
Effects of cold storage on Thripobius javae (=T. semiluteus) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Bernardo, U., Iodice L., Sasso R, and Pedata P.A. , Biocontrol Science and Technology, Volume 18, Number 9, p.921-933, (2008)
Isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen of suprabenthic fauna in the NW Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean), Madurell, T., Fanelli E., and Cartes J.E. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 71, Number 3-4, p.336-345, (2008)
Metal distribution in marine sediments of the Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Ionic Sea, southern Italy), Calace, N., Cardellicchio N., Ciardullo S., Petronio B.M., Pietrantonio Massimiliana, and Pietroletti M. , Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Volume 90, Number 3, p.549-564, (2008)
Modelling dissolved oxygen dynamics in coastal lagoons, Hull, V., Parrella Luisa, and Falcucci M. , Ecological Modelling, Volume 211, Number 3-4, p.468-480, (2008)
Natural history studies for the preliminary evaluation of Larinus filiformis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) as a prospective biological control agent of yellow starthistle, Gültekin, L., Cristofaro M., Tronci Carlo, and Smith L. , Environmental Entomology, Volume 37, Number 5, p.1185-1199, (2008)
Seasonal transport patterns of intense Saharan dust events at the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Monteleone Francesco, Pace Giandomenico, Piacentino Salvatore, and Sferlazzo Damiano Massimo , Atmospheric Research, Volume 88, Number 2, p.134-148, (2008)
Sediment biogeochemical differences in two pristine Mediterranean coastal lagoons (in Italy) characterized by different phanerogam dominance - A comparative approach, Signorini, A., Massini G., Migliore Giada, Tosoni M., Varrone C., and Izzo G. , Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Volume 18, Number SUPPL. 1, p.S27-S44, (2008)
Spatio-temporal changes in gut contents and stable isotopes in two deep Mediterranean pandalids: Influence on the reproductive cycle, Fanelli, E., and Cartes J.E. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 355, p.219-233, (2008)
Atmospheric methane in the Mediterranean: Analysis of measurements at the island of Lampedusa during 1995-2005, Artuso, F., Chamard P., Piacentino Salvatore, Di Sarra Alcide, Meloni Daniela, Monteleone Francesco, Sferlazzo Damiano Massimo, and Thiery F. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 41, Number 18, p.3877-3888, (2007)
Decapod crustacean assemblages off the West coast of central Italy (western Mediterranean), Fanelli, E., Colloca F., and Ardizzone G. , Scientia Marina, Volume 71, Number 1, p.19-28, (2007)
Extreme value analysis of wet and dry periods in Sicily, Bordi, I., Fraedrich K., Petitta Marcello, and Sutera A. , Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 87, Number 1-4, p.61-71, (2007)
LCA of integrated MSW management systems: Case study of the Bologna District, Buttol, P., Masoni P., Bonoli A., Goldoni S., Belladonna V., and Cavazzuti C. , Waste Management, Volume 27, Number 8, p.1059-1070, (2007)
Measuring, modelling and testing ozone exposure, flux and effects on vegetation in southern European conditions-What does not work? A review from Italy, Ferretti, M., Fagnano M., Amoriello T., Badiani M., Ballarin-Denti A., Buffoni A., Bussotti F., Castagna A., Cieslik S., Costantini A., et al. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 146, Number 3, p.648-658, (2007)
Nucleation and growth of new particles in Po Valley, Italy, Hamed, A., Joutsensaari J., Mikkonen S., Sogacheva L., Dal Maso M., Kulmala M., Cavalli F., Fuzzi S., Facchini M.C., Decesari S., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 7, Number 2, p.355-376, (2007)
Particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from non-catalysed, in-use four-stroke scooters, Spezzano, Pasquale, Picini P., Cataldi D., Messale F., Manni C., and Santino D. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 133, Number 1-3, p.105-117, (2007)
Seasonal behavior of Saharan dust events at the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa in the period 1999-2005, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Biavati G., DeLuisi J.J., Monteleone Francesco, Pace Giandomenico, Piacentino Salvatore, and Sferlazzo Damiano Massimo , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 41, Number 14, p.3041-3056, (2007)