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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Europe [Clear All Filters]
A Sensitivity Study of a Bayesian Inversion Model Used to Estimate Emissions of Synthetic Greenhouse Gases at the European Scale,
, Atmosphere, Volume 15, Number 1, (2024)
Ultrastructure of the Spermiogenesis in Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): X-Irradiation and New Insights on the Centriolar Region Organization,
, Insects, Volume 15, Number 7, (2024)
Implementation and evaluation of updated photolysis rates in the EMEP MSC-W chemistry-transport model using Cloud-J v7.3e,
, Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 16, Number 24, p.7433-7459, (2023)
Legislative and functional aspects of different metrics used for ozone risk assessment to forests,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 295, (2022)
Mapping the susceptibility of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites in Europe to ambient (outdoor) air pollution,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 754, (2021)
Development and calibration of a model for the potential establishment and impact of Aedes albopictus in Europe,
, Acta Tropica, Volume 202, (2020)
Development of a geogenic radon hazard index—concept, history, experiences,
, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 17, Number 11, p.1-24, (2020)
Evaluation of automotive shredder residues (ASR) landfill behavior through lysimetric and traditional leaching tests,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 27, Number 12, p.13360-13369, (2020)
Evaluation of receptor and chemical transport models for PM10 source apportionment,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, Volume 5, (2020)
Intercomparison of indoor radon measurements under field conditions in the framework of metroradon european project,
, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 17, Number 5, (2020)
Metagenomics in Italy and Europe: Three Actionable Challenges/Prospects in 2020,
, OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, Volume 24, Number 3, p.122-123, (2020)
Validation of a database of mean uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations in rock samples of Portuguese geological units, generated of literature data,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 222, (2020)
Digital version of the European Atlas of natural radiation,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 196, p.240-252, (2019)
Effect of O3, PM10 and PM2.5 on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in cities of France, Iran and Italy,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 26, Number 31, p.32645-32665, (2019)
EURODELTA III exercise: An evaluation of air quality models’ capacity to reproduce the carbonaceous aerosol,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, (2019)
Growing season extension affects ozone uptake by European forests,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 669, p.1043-1052, (2019)
Long-term health impact assessment of total PM2.5 in Europe during the 1990–2015 period,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, Volume 3, (2019)
A protocol to develop Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 252, p.109701, (2019)
Qualitative overview of indoor radon surveys in Europe,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 204, p.163-174, (2019)
Risks of aneuploidy induction from chemical exposure: Twenty years of collaborative research in Europe from basic science to regulatory implications,
, Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research, Volume 779, p.126-147, (2019)
Scoping the potential usefulness of seasonal climate forecasts for solar power management,
, Renewable Energy, p.215-223, (2019)
Source apportionment and macro tracer: Integration of independent methods for quantification of woody biomass burning contribution to pm10,
, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Volume 19, Number 4, p.711-723, (2019)
Towards the development of a biobased economy in Europe and India,
, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, Volume 39, Number 6, p.779-799, (2019)
Modeled deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in Europe estimated by 14 air quality model systems: Evaluation, effects of changes in emissions and implications for habitat protection,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 18, Number 14, p.10199-10218, (2018)
Sensitivity of stomatal conductance to soil moisture: Implications for tropospheric ozone,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 18, Number 8, p.5747-5763, (2018)