Produzione scientifica
Found 46 results
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Flow cytometric analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes,
, Nucleus (India), (2023)
Somatic Embryogenesis and Flow Cytometric Assessment of Nuclear Genetic Stability for Sansevieria spp.: An Approach for In Vitro Regeneration of Ornamental Plants,
, Horticulturae, Jan-02-2023, Volume 9, Issue 2, Number 2, p.138, (2023)
Synergistic Action of Mild Heat and Essential Oil Treatments on Culturability and Viability of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 Tested In Vitro and in Fruit Juice,
, Foods, 30/05/2022, Volume 11, Issue 11, Number 11, p.1615, (2022)
Best practices in plant cytometry,
, Cytometry Part A, (2021)
Chromosome analysis and sorting,
, Cytometry Part A, (2021)
A cross between bread wheat and a 2D(2R) disomic substitution triticale line leads to the formation of a novel disomic addition line and provides information of the role of rye secalins on breadmaking characteristics,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 21, Number 22, p.1-18, (2020)
Cytological and Molecular Cytogenetic Insights into the Cynara cardunculus Genome,
, The Globe Artichoke Genome, Cham, p.145–161, (2019)
A high-throughput flow cytometry system for early screening of in vitro made polyploids in Dendrobium hybrids,
, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, Volume 132, Number 1, p.57-70, (2018)
First detailed karyo-morphological analysis and molecular cytological study of leafy cardoon and globe artichoke, two multi-use Asteraceae crops,
, Comparative Cytogenetics, Volume 10, Number 3, p.447-463, (2016)
Production of a tumour-targeting antibody with a human-compatible glycosylation profile in N. benthamiana hairy root cultures,
, Biotechnology Journal, Volume 11, Number 9, p.1209-1220, (2016)
FISHIS: A newway in chromosome flow sorting makes complex genomes more accessible,
, Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources: Volume 1. Managing, Sequencing and Mining Genetic Resources, p.319-348, (2014)
FISHIS: Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Suspension and Chromosome Flow Sorting Made Easy,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 8, Number 2, (2013)
Karyotype of globe artichoke (cynara cardunculus var. scolymus): Preliminary studies to define its chromosome morphology,
, Acta Horticulturae, Volume 983, p.133-138, (2013)
Flow Sorting and Molecular Cytogenetic Identification of Individual Chromosomes of Dasypyrum villosum L. (H. villosa) by a Single DNA Probe,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 7, Number 11, (2012)
Perturbation of polyamine catabolism can strongly affect root development and xylem differentiation.,
, Plant physiology, 2011 Sep, Volume 157, p.200-15, (2011)
Assessment of the origin of new citrus tetraploid hybrids (2n = 4x) by means of SSR markers and PCR based dosage effects,
, Euphytica, 2010///, Volume 173, p.223 - 233, (2010)
Morphogenetic Status of Somatic Embryos of Citrus sinensis from Mature Polyembryonic Seeds and Those Produced In Vitro,
, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, Volume 57, Number 5, p.720-731, (2010)
Fingerprinting of three typical macrosperma Italian lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) landraces using fluorescence-based AFLP markers,
, Scientia Horticulturae, 2009///, Volume 121, p.383 - 387, (2009)
Phyllostictine A, a potential natural herbicide produced by Phyllosticta cirsii: In vitro production and toxicity,
, Plant Science, 2008///, Volume 175, p.818 - 825, (2008)
Saponaria officinalis karyology and karyotype by means of image analyzer and atomic force microscopy,
, Microscopy Research and Technique, 2008///, Volume 71, p.730 - 736, (2008)
Production and characterization of new triploid seedless progenies for mandarin improvement,
, Scientia Horticulturae, 2007///, Volume 114, p.258 - 262, (2007)
Organization of initial stages of somatic embryogenesis in tissue culture of Citrus sinensis cv. Tarocco at the organismal level,
, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2006///, Volume 53, p.548 - 555, (2006)
Chromosome sorting in tetraploid wheat and its potential for genome analysis,
, Genetics, 2005///, Volume 170, p.823 - 829, (2005)
Flow cytometry, SSR and modified AFLP markers for the identification of zygotic plantlets in backcrosses between ’Femminello’ lemon cybrids (2n and 4n) and a diploid clone of ’Femminello’ lemon (Citrus limon L. Burm. F.) tolerant to mal secco dise,
, Plant Science, 2003///, Volume 164, p.1009 - 1017, (2003)
Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from chromosome 1-specific DNA libraries of Vicia faba,
, Biologia Plantarum, 2002///, Volume 45, p.337 - 345, (2002)