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Genetic control of embryo formation in anther culture of diploid potatoes, Sonnino, Andrea, Tanaka Shigeo, Iwanaga Masaru, and Schilde-Rentschler Liselotte , Plant cell reports, Volume 8, Number 2, p.105–107, (1989)
Genetic transformation of potato (Solanum tuberosum): An efficient method to obtain transgenic plants, Tavazza, Raffaela, Tavazza Mario, Ordàs R.J., Ancora Giorgio, and Benvenuto Eugenio , Plant Science, 1989///, Volume 59, p.175 - 181, (1989)
Growth and adsorption of Streptococcus mutans 6715-13 to hydroxyapatite in the presence of lactoferrin, Visca, P., Berlutti F., Vittorioso P., Dalmastri Claudia, Thaller M.C., and Valenti P. , Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 1989///, Volume 178, p.69 - 79, (1989)
High-resolution infrared spectrum and analysis of the 2ν3 band of CF3Cl, Nencini, Luca, and Snels M. , Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 1989///, Volume 135, p.131 - 143, (1989)
Ideal stability of cylindrical plasma in the presence of mass flow, Bondeson, A., and Iacono Roberto , Physics of Fluids B, Volume 1, Number 7, p.1431-1443, (1989)
Laboratory tests on the italian BEL-15 reference glass, Cantale, Cristina, Castelli Stefano, and Donato Aldo , (1989)
Lack of induction of somatic aneuploidy in the mouse by nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), Russo, A., Pacchierotti Francesca, Bassani B., and Levis A.G. , Mutation Research Letters, Volume 226, Number 2, p.111-114, (1989)
Lake levels and climate for the last 30,000 years in the fucino area (Abruzzo-Central Italy) - A review, Giraudi, C. , Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 70, Number 1-3, p.249-260, (1989)
New measurements of self broadening and shift of ammonia lines, Baldacchini, G., Bizzarri A., Nencini Luca, Buffa G., and Tarrini O. , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 1989///, Volume 42, p.423 - 428, (1989)
On-line determination of glucose produced by hydrolysis of cellobiose realised with a cellular bioreactor, Mascini, M., Pizzichini Massimo, Moscone D., and Pilloton R. , Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1989///, Volume 34, p.262 - 264, (1989)
Performance of a membrane reactor for cellobiose hydrolysis, Pizzichini, Massimo, Fabiani Claudio, Adami A., and Cavazzoni V. , Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1989///, Volume 33, p.955 - 962, (1989)
Properties of the polyamine oxidase from the cell wall of maize seedlings, Federico, R., Alisi Chiara, and Forlani F. , Phytochemistry, Volume 28, Number 1, p.45-46, (1989)
Purification and characterization of oat polyamine oxidase, Federico, R., Alisi Chiara, Forlani F., and Angelini R. , Phytochemistry, Volume 28, Number 8, p.2045-2046, (1989)
Purification-materials recovery separation processes: highly efficient innovative technological innovations, Pizzichini, Massimo, Fabiani Claudio, and Pilloton R. , Tecnologie innovative a basso spreco applicate nei processi di depurazione-recupero, 1989///, (1989)
Rondone (Apus apus), Carrabba, Paola , Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti in Campania (1983-1987), Naples, Italy, (1989)
Rondone pallido (Apus pallidus), Carrabba, Paola , Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti in Campania (1983-1987), Volume 1, Naples, p.75-76, (1989)
Selective separation of actinides and long lived fission products from aged wastes produced by the EUREX plant in Saluggia, Pietrelli, L., Grossi G., and Troiani F. , Int. Symp. on Management of Low and Interm. Level Rad. Wastes, p.41-58, (1989)
SEM analysis of injuries induced in the trachea of rat by inhalation of sodium combustion products, Pagano, P., Calamosca M., Forner G., Fagarazzi G., and Bruni Stefania , Experimental Pathology, Volume 37, Number 1-4, p.281-284, (1989)
Time-of-flight laser mass spectrometer for gas analysis in a collisional regime, Montone, Amelia, Morales P., and Nardi A. , Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 60, Number 8, p.2639-2641, (1989)
Transport properties of plasma-deposited amorphous silicon dioxide, Mariucci, L., Fortunato G., Foglietti P., Reita C., and Della Sala Dario , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 115, Number 1-3, p.123-125, (1989)
The Brasimone Basin soils: soil evolution, mineralogy and geochemistry [I suoli del bacino del Brasimone (BO): pedogenesi, mineralogia, geochimica], Angelone, Massimo, Bini C., Leoni L., Orlandi C., and Sartori F. , Mineralogica et Petrographica Acta, Volume 31, p.217-241, (1988)
Characterization of a temperature-sensitive carrot cell mutant impaired in somatic embryogenesis, Schiavo, F.L., Giuliano Giovanni, and Sung Z.R. , Plant Science, 1988///, Volume 54, p.157 - 164, (1988)
Critical analysis of the determination of the density of defects in a-Si1-xGex alloys with the PDS technique, Della Sala, Dario, Reita C., Conte G., Galluzzi F., and Grillo G. , Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Volume 1, Las Vegas, NV, USA, p.212-217, (1988)
Cytogenetic investigation of chemically-induced aneuploidy in mouse spermatocytes, Liang, J.C., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 201, Number 2, p.325-335, (1988)
Detailed comparison between computed and measured FBR core seismic responses, Forni, Massimo, Martelli A., Melloni R., and Bonacina G. , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, Volume 145, p.1-18, (1988)