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Alessandra De marco

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Acute myocardial infarction and COPD attributed to ambient SO2 in Iran, Khaniabadi, Y.O., Daryanoosh S.M., Hopke P.K., Ferrante M., De Marco Alessandra, Sicard P., G. Conti Oliveri, Goudarzi G., Basiri H., Mohammadi M.J., et al. , Environmental Research, Volume 156, p.683-687, (2017)
A comparative study of hospital admissions for respiratory diseases during normal and dusty days in Iran, Geravandi, S., Sicard P., Khaniabadi Y.O., De Marco Alessandra, Ghomeishi A., Goudarzi G., Mahboubi M., Yari A.R., Dobaradaran S., Hassani G., et al. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 24, Number 22, p.18152-18159, (2017)
Ecological impacts of atmospheric pollution and interactions with climate change in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin: Current research and future directions, Ochoa-Hueso, R., Munzi S., Alonso R., Arróniz-Crespo M., Avila A., Bermejo V., Bobbink R., Branquinho C., Concostrina-Zubiri L., Cruz C., et al. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 227, p.194-206, (2017)
Effect-based activities on air pollution: what is the state of the natural and anthropogenic Italian ecosystems?, Vialetto, G., De Marco Alessandra, and D'Elia Ilaria , (2017)
Epidemiological analysis of ozone and nitrogen impacts on vegetation – Critical evaluation and recommendations, Braun, S., Achermann B., De Marco Alessandra, Pleijel H., Karlsson P.E., Rihm B., Schindler C., and Paoletti E. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 603-604, p.785-792, (2017)
Five-year volume growth of European beech does not respond to ozone pollution in Italy, Paoletti, E., De Marco Alessandra, Anav A., Gasparini P., and Pompei E. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 25, Number 9, p.1-7, (2017)
Health risk assessment of exposure to the Middle-Eastern Dust storms in the Iranian megacity of Kermanshah, Goudarzi, G., Daryanoosh S.M., Godini H., Hopke P.K., Sicard P., De Marco Alessandra, Rad H.D., Harbizadeh A., Jahedi F., Mohammadi M.J., et al. , Public Health, Volume 148, p.109-116, (2017)
High resolution estimates of the corrosion risk for cultural heritage in Italy, De Marco, Alessandra, Screpanti Augusto, Mircea Mihaela, Piersanti Antonio, Proietti C., and Fornasier M.F. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 226, p.260-267, (2017)
Hospital admissions in Iran for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases attributed to the Middle Eastern Dust storms, Khaniabadi, Y.O., Fanelli R., De Marco Alessandra, Daryanoosh S.M., Kloog I., Hopke P.K., Conti G.O., Ferrante M., Mohammadi M.J., Babaei A.A., et al. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 24, Number 20, p.16860-16868, (2017)
Ozone exposure affects tree defoliation in a continental climate, De Marco, Alessandra, Vitale M., Popa I., Anav A., Badea O., Silaghi D., Leca S., Screpanti Augusto, and Paoletti E. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 596-597, p.396-404, (2017)
Poplar response to cadmium and lead soil contamination, I. Redovniković, Radojčić, De Marco Alessandra, Proietti C., Hanousek K., Sedak M., Bilandžić N., and Jakovljević T. , Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 144, p.482-489, (2017)
Response on ‘comparing concentration-based (AOT40) and stomatal uptake (PODY) metrics for ozone risk assessment to European forests’, Anav, A., De Marco Alessandra, Sicard P., Vitale M., and Paoletti E. , Global Change Biology, Volume 23, Number 2, p.e3-e4, (2017)
The role of plant phenology in stomatal ozone flux modeling, Anav, A., Liu Q., De Marco Alessandra, Proietti C., Savi F., Paoletti E., and Piao S. , Global Change Biology, Volume 24, Number 1, p.235-248, (2017)
A spatially-explicit method to assess the dry deposition of air pollution by urban forests in the city of Florence, Italy, Bottalico, F., Travaglini D., Chirici G., Garfì V., Giannetti F., De Marco Alessandra, Fares S., Marchetti M., Nocentini S., Paoletti E., et al. , Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Volume 27, p.221-234, (2017)
Stomatal conductance models for ozone risk assessment at canopy level in two Mediterranean evergreen forests, Hoshika, Y., Fares S., Savi F., Gruening C., Goded I., De Marco Alessandra, Sicard P., and Paoletti E. , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 234-235, p.212-221, (2017)
Assessing the role of soil water limitation in determining the Phytotoxic Ozone Dose (PODY) thresholds, De Marco, Alessandra, Sicard P., Fares S., Tuovinen J.-P., Anav A., and Paoletti E. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 147, p.88-97, (2016)
Comparing concentration-based (AOT40) and stomatal uptake (PODY) metrics for ozone risk assessment to European forests, Anav, A., De Marco Alessandra, Proietti C., Alessandri Andrea, Dell'Aquila Alessandro, Cionni Irene, Friedlingstein P., Khvorostyanov D., Menut L., Paoletti E., et al. , Global Change Biology, Volume 22, Number 4, p.1608-1627, (2016)
An epidemiological assessment of stomatal ozone flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in Southern European forests, Sicard, P., De Marco Alessandra, Dalstein-Richier L., Tagliaferro F., Renou C., and Paoletti E. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 541, p.729-741, (2016)
Exposure to PM10, NO2, and O3 and impacts on human health, Khaniabadi, Y.O., Goudarzi G., Daryanoosh S.M., Borgini A., Tittarelli A., and De Marco Alessandra , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 24, Number 3, p.1-9, (2016)
Global topics and novel approaches in the study of air pollution, climate change and forest ecosystems, Sicard, P., Augustaitis A., Belyazid S., Calfapietra C., De Marco Alessandra, Fenn M., Bytnerowicz A., Grulke N., He S., Matyssek R., et al. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 213, p.977-987, (2016)
Impacts of air pollution on cultural heritage corrosion at European level: What has been achieved and what are the future scenarios, Di Turo, F., Proietti C., Screpanti Augusto, Fornasier M.F., Cionni Irene, Favero G., and De Marco Alessandra , Environmental Pollution, Volume 218, p.586-594, (2016)
Light Intensity Affects Ozone-Induced Stomatal Sluggishness in Snapbean, Hoshika, Y., De Marco Alessandra, Materassi A., and Paoletti E. , Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 227, Number 11, (2016)