Produzione Scientifica
Found 7494 results
An algorithm for classifying unknown expendable bathythermograph (XBT) instruments based on existing metadata,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 35, Number 3, p.429-440, (2018)
Alterations in morphology and adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of patched1 heterozygous mice,
, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, Volume 11, (2018)
Aluminum-doped zinc oxide coatings on polylactic acid films for antimicrobial food packaging,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 645, p.187-192, (2018)
Anaerobic Digestion of Cattle Manure Influenced by Swirling Jet Induced Hydrodynamic Cavitation,
, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Volume 184, Number 4, p.1200-1218, (2018)
Analisi dei flussi e studio dei mercati reali e finanziari delle materie prime presenti negli autoveicoli elettrici e nelle colonnine di ricarica 2018,
, Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico, Number RdS/PAR2017/254, (2018)
Analysis and design of DD coupler for dynamic wireless charging of electric vehicles,
, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume 32, Number 2, p.170-189, (2018)
Analysis of grape production in the face of climate change,
, Climate, Volume 6, Number 2, (2018)
Analysis of Polycaprolactone Microfibers as Biofilm Carriers for Biotechnologically Relevant Bacteria,
, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (2018)
Analysis of Radiation-Induced Chromosomal Aberrations on a Cell-by-Cell Basis after Alpha-Particle Microbeam Irradiation: Experimental Data and Simulations,
, Radiation Research, Volume 189, Number 6, p.597-604, (2018)
Analysis of the Mediterranean fruit fly [Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)] spatiotemporal distribution in relation to sex and female mating status for precision IPM,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 13, Number 4, (2018)
Antimicrobial activity of catechol functionalized-chitosan versus Staphylococcus epidermidis,
, Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 179, p.273-281, (2018)
Apparato per il filtraggio di un fluido comprendente uno scambiatore di pressione a valvola rotante,
, Number 102018000005264, (2018)
Application of anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor (AnDMBR) for the successful enrichment of Anammox bacteria using mixed anaerobic and aerobic seed sludge,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 266, p.532-540, (2018)
Application of solvent extraction operation to recover rare earths from fluorescent lamps,
, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 172, p.2840-2852, (2018)
Assessing the potential benefits of the geostationary vantage point for generating daily chlorophyll-a Maps in the Baltic Sea,
, Remote Sensing, Volume 10, Number 12, (2018)
Assessment of a Simplified Connectivity Index and Specific Sediment Potential in River Basins by Means of Geomorphometric Tools,
, Geosciences, Jan-02-2018, Volume 8, Issue 2, p.48, (2018)
Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir Joint Exercise – Part II,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 193, p.127-142, (2018)
B genome specific polymorphism in the TdDRF1 gene is in relationship with grain yield,
, Planta, Jan-02-2018, Volume 247, Issue 2, p.459 - 469, (2018)
Bacterial community of industrial raw sausage packaged in modified atmosphere throughout the shelf life,
, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 280, p.78 – 86, (2018)
A baroclinic coastal trapped wave event in the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea),
, Ocean Dynamics, (2018)
Basamento Antisismico per Strutture Edili di Nuova Costruzione,
, Number 102018000005642, (2018)
Base Isolation of Buildings with Curved Surface Sliders: Basic Design Criteria and Critical Issues,
, Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2018, (2018)
A beam element allowing multiple slope discontinuities for RC structures: An application,
, Ingegneria Sismica, Volume 35, Number 1, p.131-150, (2018)
Belowground Microbiota and the Health of Tree Crops,
, Frontiers in Microbiology, 06/2018, Volume 9, Number JUN, (2018)