Produzione Scientifica
Found 7538 results
From the European indoor radon map towards an atlas of natural radiation,
, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 162, Number 1-2, p.129-134, (2014)
FT-IR imaging spectroscopy as a complementary analytical technique to monitor lipids as biomarkers to high-LET (linear energy transfer) radiation,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Jan-03-2014, Volume 25, Issue S1, p.75 - 79, (2014)
Full scale treatment of ASR wastes in a modified rotary kiln,
, Waste Management, Volume 34, Number 11, p.2347-2354, (2014)
Future impacts of nitrogen deposition and climate change scenarios on forest crown defoliation,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 194, p.171-180, (2014)
The gabbro and serpentinized peridotite of Bonassola (Bracco-Levanto ophiolite, Italy) - An extremely low natural radiation area to improve in situ gamma spectrometry,
, Ofioliti, Volume 39, Number 2, p.43-49, (2014)
Gender effect in experimental models of human medulloblastoma: Does the estrogen receptor β signaling play a role?,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 9, Number 7, (2014)
Genomes, Chromosomes and Genes of the Wheatgrass Genus Thinopyrum: the Value of their Transfer into Wheat for Gains in Cytogenomic Knowledge and Sustainable Breeding,
, Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources, p.333 – 358, (2014)
GIS based assessment of the spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations using pollutant emissions data,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 97, p.121-129, (2014)
Glaciers and ice sheets: Current status and trends,
, Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 25, Number 1, p.59-70, (2014)
Glucose gasification in near critical water conditions for both syngas production and green chemicals with a continuous process,
, Fuel, Volume 115, p.41-45, (2014)
Goal and scope in life cycle sustainability analysis: The case of hydrogen production from biomass,
, Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 6, Number 8, p.5463-5475, (2014)
Graphene as a tunable resistor,
, Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, p.17-20, (2014)
Graphene-based Schottky device detecting NH3 at ppm level in environmental conditions,
, Procedia Engineering, Volume 87, p.232-235, (2014)
Graphene-Si Schottky diode in environmental conditions at low NH3 ppm level,
, 2014 IEEE 9th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2014, p.23-26, (2014)
Hail occurrence in Italy: Towards a national database and climatology,
, Atmospheric Research, Jan-03-2014, Volume 138, p.268 - 277, (2014)
Harnessing mosquito-Wolbachia symbiosis for vector and disease control,
, Acta Tropica, Volume 132, Number 1, p.S150-S163, (2014)
Heat-resistant unfired phosphate ceramics with carbon nanotubes for electromagnetic application,
, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, Volume 211, Number 11, p.2580-2585, (2014)
Heavy metal pollution and potential ecological risks in rivers: A case study from Southern Italy,
, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 92, Number 1, p.75-80, (2014)
The HelioMont method for assessing solar irradiance over complex terrain: Validation and improvements,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 152, p.603-613, (2014)
A high quality eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) genome draft and its use for mapping metabolic QTLs.,
, 11th Solanaceae Genome Conference “SOL 2014”, p.99–99, (2014)
High-efficiency standard and inverted polymer solar cells based on PBDTTT-C:[70]PCBM blend,
, 2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014, Naples, (2014)
Highly conductive PEDOT:PSS on flexible substrate as ITO-free anode for polymer solar cells,
, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1599, Ischia, p.246-249, (2014)
High-temperature mechanical behavior of plasma sprayed lanthanum zirconate coatings,
, Ceramics International, Volume 40, Number 7 PART B, p.11433-11436, (2014)
High-Temperature Oxidation and Oxide Scale Formation in Plasma-Sprayed CoNiCrAlYRe Coatings,
, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Volume 45, Number 12, p.5362-5370, (2014)
History and technology of Terra Preta sanitation,
, Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 6, Number 3, p.1328-1345, (2014)