Produzione Scientifica
Found 7538 results
Thermal treatment of waste photovoltaic module for recovery and recycling: Experimental assessment of the presence of metals in the gas emissions and in the ashes,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 81, p.103-112, (2015)
Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive analysis,
, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 119, p.66-84, (2015)
Timing of control of Planococcus ficus infesting grapes in Italy.,
, Informatore Agrario, Volume 71, Number 29, p.54–56, (2015)
To brood or not to brood: Are marine invertebrates that protect their offspring more resilient to ocean acidification?,
, Scientific Reports, Volume 5, (2015)
Tomato R2R3-MYB proteins SlANT1 and SlAN2: Same protein activity, different roles,
, PLoS ONE, Volume 10, Number 8, (2015)
Toward hyperuniform disordered plasmonic nanostructures for reproducible surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,
, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 17, Number 12, p.8061-8069, (2015)
Transgenerational inheritance of enhanced susceptibility to radiation-induced medulloblastoma in newborn Ptch1+/- mice after paternal irradiation,
, Oncotarget, Volume 6, Number 34, p.36098-36112, (2015)
The Two-Faced Potato Virus X: From Plant Pathogen to Smart Nanoparticle,
, Frontiers in Plant Science, 17 November 2015, Volume 6:1009, Number NOVEMBER, (2015)
A unified bottom up multiscale strategy to model gas sensors based on conductive polymers,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 211, p.42-51, (2015)
Unsaturated fatty acids-dependent linkage between respiration and fermentation revealed by deletion of hypoxic regulatory KlMGA2 gene in the facultative anaerobe-respiratory yeast Kluyveromyces lactis,
, FEMS Yeast Research, Volume 15, Number 5, p.fov028, (2015)
The upper pleistocene deglaciation on the apennines (Peninsular Italy) [La deglaciación del Pleistoceno Superior en los Apeninos (Península Italiana)],
, Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica, Volume 41, Number 2, p.337-358, (2015)
Urban and peri-urban forests in the metropolitan area of Rome: Ecophysiological response of Quercus ilex L. in two green infrastructures in an ecosystem services perspective,
, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Volume 14, Number 4, p.1147-1156, (2015)
The use of CT to improve the knowledge of the physical phenomena associated with microwave thermal ablation procedures,
, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015, p.977-980, (2015)
On the use of environmental life cycle indicators for sustainability assessment of Mediterranean diets,
, Assessing Sustainable Diets Within The Sustainability of Food Systems. Mediterranean Diet, Organic Food: New Challenges, (2015)
Using SeaDataNet management system to preserve the XBT data-set of the Mediterranean Sea,
, MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World, (2015)
A validated slow-growth in vitroconservation protocol for globe artichoke germplasm: A cost-effective tool to preserve from wild to elite genotypes,
, Scientia Horticulturae, Jan-12-2015, Volume 197, p.135 - 143, (2015)
Vertical ordering sensitivity of solid supported DPPC membrane to alamethicin and the related loss of cell viability,
, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, Volume 1850, Number 4, p.759-768, (2015)
Vocs sensors based on polyaniline/graphene-nanosheets bilayer,
, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 319, p.197-201, (2015)
Water driven adsorption of amino acids on the (101) anatase TiO2 surface: An ab initio study,
, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 17, Number 3, p.1556-1561, (2015)
Wave climate analysis for the design of wave energy harvesters in the Mediterranean Sea,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 77, p.125-141, (2015)
Wave energy potential in the Mediterranean sea: Design and development of DSS-WebGIS “waves energy”,
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 9157, p.495-510, (2015)
Welding of high-resilience martensitic stainless steel for hydrodynamic components in innovative seacraft: a comparison of traditional and HDE technologies,
, Welding International, Volume 29, Number 1, p.40-53, (2015)
Wolbachia Density and Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Aedes albopictus: Concerns with Using Artificial Wolbachia Infection as a Vector Suppression Tool.,
, PLOS ONE, 2015, Volume 10, Number 3, p.e0121813, (2015)