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Inconsistency between process-based model and dose-response function in estimating biomass losses in Northern Hemisphere due to elevated O3,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 364, (2025)
The Impact of Growing Area on the Expression of Fruit Traits Related to Sensory Perception in Two Tomato Cultivars,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 25, Number 16, (2024)
Outdoor Radon as a Tool to Estimate Radon Priority Areas—A Literature Overview,
, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 19, Number 2, (2022)
Ozone-reducing urban plants: Choose carefully,
, Science, Volume 377, Number 6606, p.585, (2022)
Benthic diversity patterns and predictors: A study case with inferences for conservation,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 150, (2020)
Circular economy and environmental health in low- And middle-income countries,
, Globalization and Health, Volume 15, Number 1, p.1–5, (2019)
Leachates of micronized plastic toys provoke embryotoxic effects upon sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 247, p.706-715, (2019)
Risks of aneuploidy induction from chemical exposure: Twenty years of collaborative research in Europe from basic science to regulatory implications,
, Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research, Volume 779, p.126-147, (2019)
Transcriptome and metabolome reprogramming in tomato plants by trichoderma harzianum straint22 primes and enhances defense responses against aphids,
, Frontiers in Physiology, Volume 10, Number JUN, (2019)
Transforming rooftops into productive urban spaces in the Mediterranean. An LCA comparison of agri-urban production and photovoltaic energy generation,
, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, p.321-336, (2019)
Experimental investigation to evaluate the potential environmental hazards of photovoltaic panels,
, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 306, p.395-405, (2016)
Spatial variations in feeding habits and trophic levels of two small pelagic fish species in the central Mediterranean Sea,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 115, p.65-77, (2016)
Effects of thermal stress on the growth of an intertidal population of Ellisolandia elongata (Rhodophyta) from N-W Mediterranean Sea,
, Marine Environmental Research, DEC, Volume 112, Number B, SI, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND, p.11-19, (2015)
Deep-sea macroplankton distribution (at 400 to 2300m) in the northwestern Mediterranean in relation to environmental factors,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 113-114, p.75-87, (2013)
Developmental, genetic and environmental factors affect the expression of flavonoid genes, enzymes and metabolites in strawberry fruits,
, Plant, Cell and Environment, Volume 32, Number 8, p.1117-1131, (2009)
Food-web structure and trophodynamics of mesopelagic-suprabenthic bathyal macrofauna of the Algerian Basin based on stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen,
, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 56, Number 9, p.1504-1520, (2009)
Trophodynamics of suprabenthic fauna on coastal muddy bottoms of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean),
, Journal of Sea Research, Volume 61, Number 3, p.174-187, (2009)
Measuring, modelling and testing ozone exposure, flux and effects on vegetation in southern European conditions-What does not work? A review from Italy,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 146, Number 3, p.648-658, (2007)
New approaches to study the relationship between stomatal conductance and environmental factors under Mediterranean climatic conditions,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 41, Number 26, p.5385-5397, (2007)
Feeding habits of pandalid shrimps in the Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean): Influence of biological and environmental factors,
, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 280, p.227-238, (2004)
Microwave-assisted digestion method for the determination of heavy metals in sediments and voltammetry analysis,
, Annali di Chimica, Volume 93, Number 7-8, p.707-711, (2003)
Life span and lymphoma incidence in high or low antibody responder mice from selection GS,
, Aging: Immunology and Infectious Disease, Volume 6, Number 2, p.95-106, (1995)