Produzione Scientifica
Found 7 results
Filters: Author is Camatini, M. and Keyword is interleukin 6 [Clear All Filters]
Milan winter fine particulate matter (wPM2.5) induces IL-6 and IL-8 synthesis in human bronchial BEAS-2B cells, but specifically impairs IL-8 release,
, Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 52, p.365-373, (2018)
Impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles on an in vitro model of the human air-blood barrier,
, Toxicology Letters, Volume 279, p.22-32, (2017)
Synergistic inflammatory effect of PM10 with mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on human lung epithelial cells,
, Toxicon, Volume 104, p.65-72, (2015)
Organic nanoparticles from different fuel blends: In vitro toxicity and inflammatory potential,
, Journal of Applied Toxicology, Volume 34, Number 11, p.1247-1255, (2014)
Effect of nanoparticles and environmental particles on a cocultures model of the air-blood barrier,
, BioMed Research International, Volume 2013, (2013)
PM10-biogenic fraction drives the seasonal variation of proinflammatory response in A549 cells,
, Environmental Toxicology, Volume 27, Number 2, p.63-73, (2012)
Seasonal variations in chemical composition and in vitro biological effects of fine PM from Milan,
, Chemosphere, Volume 78, Number 11, p.1368-1377, (2010)