Produzione Scientifica
Found 7 results
Filters: Author is Furlani, S. and Keyword is Mediterranean Sea [Clear All Filters]
Relative sea-level rise and potential submersion risk for 2100 on 16 coastal plains of the mediterranean sea,
, Water (Switzerland), Volume 12, Number 8, (2020)
Palaeogeographical evolution of the Egadi Islands (western Sicily, Italy). Implications for late Pleistocene and early Holocene sea crossings by humans and other mammals in the western Mediterranean,
, Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 194, p.160-181, (2019)
Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy,
, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Volume 23, Number 1, p.1-19, (2018)
Morphometry and elevation of the last interglacial tidal notches in tectonically stable coasts of the Mediterranean Sea,
, Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 185, p.600-623, (2018)
Tidal notches (Tn) along the western Adriatic coast as markers of coastal stability during late Holocene,
, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Volume 41, Number 2, p.33-46, (2018)
Tidal notches, coastal landforms and relative sea-level changes during the Late Quaternary at Ustica Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy),
, Geomorphology, Volume 299, p.94-106, (2017)
Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive analysis,
, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 119, p.66-84, (2015)