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The late Quaternary geologic evolution of Campo Felice (Abruzzo, central Italy), Giraudi, C. , Giornale di Geologia, Volume 60, Number 1, p.67-82, (1998)
Letter to the editor (multiple letters) [2], Sanchez-Cabeza, J.A., Buffoni G., and Cappelletti Andrea , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 40, Number 2, p.212-214, (1998)
Lithium ion polymer battery, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, and Scrosati B. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 43, Number 9, p.1105-1107, (1998)
Long-term structural stability of PMMA-based gel polymer electrolytes, Quartarone, E., Tomasi C., Mustarelli P., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Croce F. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 43, Number 10-11, p.1435-1439, (1998)
Measurement and characterization of micronuclei in cultured primary lung cells of mice following inhalation exposure to benzene, Ranaldi, R., Bassani B., Villani Paola, Lombardi C.C., Tanzarella C., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutagenesis, Volume 13, Number 5, p.453-460, (1998)
Meteorological conditions during snowfall at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica), Pellegrini, A., Vedova A.M. Della, Grigioni P., and de Silvesteri L. , Oceanography of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, p.265-286, (1998)
Microstructural evolution of Al-Fe powder mixtures during high-energy ball milling, Cardellini, F., Contini V., Gupta R., Mazzone G., Montone Amelia, Perin A., and Principi G. , Journal of Materials Science, Volume 33, Number 10, p.2519-2527, (1998)
Microstructural evolution of ball-milled powders made of immiscible elements, Angiolini, M., Mazzone G., Montone Amelia, and Vittori-Antisari M. , Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, Volume 9, Number 1, p.29-30, (1998)
Mixed inocula of N2-fixing bacteria on summer cereals: utilisation of the gusA reporter system to follow the bacterial plant colonisation., Sticchi, D., Iavicoli A.L., Piccone C., Fabbri P., Mannelli S., Ercole C., Tabacchioni Silvia, Bevivino Annamaria, Dalmastri Claudia, Chiarini L., et al. , Biological Nitrogen Fixation for the 21st Century, p.415, (1998)
Molecular and ionic interactions in poly(acrylonitrile)- and poly(methylmetacrylate)-based gel electrolytes, Ostrovskii, D., Brodin A., Torell L.M., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Scrosati B. , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 109, Number 17, p.7618-7624, (1998)
Monitoring of NH3 gas by LB polypyrrole-based SAW sensor, Penza, Michele, Milella E., and Anisimkin V.I. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 47, Number 1-3, p.218-224, (1998)
Multiple resistance to diseases in wild relatives of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), Stamigna, Catia, Mancinelli R, Crino P, Infantino A, Porta-Puglia A, and Saccardo F , Proceedings of the 3rd European conference on grain legumes, p.14–19, (1998)
Nanocomposite polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries, Croce, F., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Persi L., and Scrosati B. , Nature, Volume 394, Number 6692, p.456-458, (1998)
New data on the glacial heritage of the Mt Maiella (Abruzzo - Central Italy) [Nuovi dati sul glacialismo della montagna Della Maiella (Abruzzo, Italia Centrale)], Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 11, Number 2, p.265-271, (1998)
New data on the late quaternary tectonics in the upper Sangro river valley (central Apennine, Italy): Seismotectonic implications [Nuovi dati sulla tettonica tardopleistocenica dell'alta valle del sangro (appennino centrale): Implicazioni sismotettoniche], Galadini, F., Giraudi C., and Messina P. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 11, Number 2, p.347-356, (1998)
Nota preliminare sulla presenza di ceratopogonidi ematofagi (Diptera) in Puglia e Basilicata, Moleas, Teodoro, Baldacchino Ferdinando, De Marzo Luigi, and Spicciarelli R , Entomologica, Volume 32, p.167–177, (1998)
NOx gas sensing characteristics of WO3 thin films activated by noble metals (Pd, Pt, Au) layers, Penza, Michele, Martucci C., and Cassano Gennaro , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 50, Number 1, p.52-59, (1998)
Oak (Quercus robur L.) seedlings responses to a realistic increase in UV-B radiation under open space conditions, Antonelli, Francesca, Bussotti F., Grifoni D., Grossoni P., Mori B., Tani C., and Zipoli G. , Chemosphere, Volume 36, Number 4-5, p.841-845, (1998)
Optimization of the reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) in a microwave oven, Brunori, Claudia, De La Calle-Guntiñas M.B., and Morabito Roberto , Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Volume 360, Number 1, p.26-30, (1998)
Pentapora fascialis (Pallas) [Cheilostomata : Ascophora] colonization of one sublittoral rocky site after sea-storm in the northwestern Mediterranean, Cocito, Silvia, Ferdeghini F, and Sgorbini S , HYDROBIOLOGIA, Volume 375-76, VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, p.59-66, (1998)
Pentapora fascialis (Pallas) [Cheilostomata: Ascophora] colonization of one sublittoral rocky site after sea-storm in the northwestern mediterranean, Cocito, Silvia, Ferdeghini F., and Sgorbini S. , Hydrobiologia, Volume 375-376, p.59-66, (1998)
Physical characterization of hafnium oxide thin films and their application as gas sensing devices, Capone, S., Leo G., Rella R., Siciliano P., Vasanelli L., Alvisi Marco, Mirenghi L., and Rizzo Antonella , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 16, Number 6, p.3564-3568, (1998)
Pinning forces in Nb/CuMn multilayers, Maritato, L., Attanasio C., Barbanera S., Coccorese C., Di Luccio Tiziana, Mercaldo L.V., Prischepa S.L., Russo R., and Salvato M. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3480, San Diego, CA, USA, p.112-118, (1998)
Plant genome size estimation by flow cytometry: Inter-laboratory comparison, Doležel, Jaroslav, Greilhuber J., Lucretti Sergio, Meister A., Lysák M.A., Nardi Luca, and Obermayer R. , Annals of Botany, 1998///, Volume 82, p.17 - 26, (1998)