Luca Maria Falconi
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Found 24 results
Filtri: Autore is Luca Falconi
A GIS-Based Approach for Shallow Landslides Risk Assessment in the Giampilieri and Briga Catchments Areas (Sicily, Italy),
, GeoHazards, Jan-03-2024, Volume 5, Issue 1, p.209 - 232, (2024)
Debris and mud flows runout assessment: a comparison among empirical geometric equations in the Giampilieri and Briga basins (east Sicily, Italy) affected by the event of October 1, 2009,
, Natural Hazards, 04/2023, (2023)
A GIS Geomorphologic approach for debris risk assessment: an example in SICILY (ITALY),
, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1-W1-2023, Number 1/W1-2023, p.33-43, (2023)
Preliminary study of a closed loop vertical ground source heat pump system for an experimental pilot plant (Rome, Italy),
, Renewable Energy, Volume 176, p.415-422, (2021)
Correction: A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in central Italy (Scientific Data, (2018) 5, 10.1038/sdata.2018.49),
, Scientific Data, Volume 6, Number 1, (2019)
Sustainable management of sedimentary resources: A case study of the EGADI project,
, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 18, Number 10, p.2217-2228, (2019)
A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy,
, Scientific Data, Volume 5, (2018)
Surface ruptures following the 30 October 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake, central Italy,
, Journal of Maps, Volume 14, Number 2, p.151-160, (2018)
Contribution to the runout evaluation of potential debris flows in Peloritani Mountains (Messina, Italy),
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.509-513, (2015)
Heuristic method for landslide susceptibility assessment in the Messina municipality,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.501-504, (2015)
Landslides inventory in the Messina municipality area: Integration of historical and field survey data,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.967-970, (2015)
Preliminary remarks about rainfall thresholds for triggering debris flows on the Messina area,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.1547-1551, (2015)
Rockfalls monitoring along eastern coastal cliffs of the Favignana Island (Egadi, Sicily): Preliminary remarks,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8: Preservation of Cultural Heritage, p.287-292, (2015)
The RUSLE erosion index as a proxy indicator for debris flow susceptibility,
, Landslides, Volume 12, Number 5, p.847-859, (2015)
Soil water content and triggering of debris flows in the Messina area (Italy): Preliminary remarks,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.2113-2117, (2015)
Debris flow risk assessment in the aguas calientes village (cusco, perù ),
, Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, Volume 1, Rome, p.519-526, (2013)
Geomorphological processes and cultural heritage of Maca and Lari Villages: An opportunity for sustainable tourism development in the Colca Valley (Province of Caylloma, Arequipa, South Perù),
, Landslide Science and Practice: Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, Volume 6, Rome, p.459-465, (2013)
Geomorphology hazard assessment of giampilieri and briga river basins after the rainfall event on the october 1, 2009 (sicily, Italy),
, Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, Volume 1, Rome, p.533-540, (2013)
Landslide hazard assessment project in the Messina municipality area (Sicily, Italy),
, Landslide Science and Practice: Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, Volume 6, Rome, p.363-368, (2013)
An integrated stochastic methodology coupling geomorphologic and hydraulic modelling for debris flow risk assessment,
, Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, Volume 21, Number PART 1, p.450-452, (2012)
The role of FPGA-based architectures in the control room modernization process: Preliminary results of a case-study,
, International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE, Volume 4, Number 1, Anaheim, CA, p.653-660, (2012)
, REMTECH 2009, p.159, (2009)
Monitoring, geomorphological evolution and slope stability of Inca citadel of Machu Picchu: Results from Italian INTERFRASI project,
, Landslides - Disaster Risk Reduction, Tokyo, p.249-257, (2009)
,, (2009)