Tiziana Ciuffardi
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Found 21 results
Filtri: Autore is Tiziana Ciuffardi
A Multi-Stage Model for Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring of Coastal Seawater,
, 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, MetroSea 2024 - Proceedings, p.501 – 506, (2024)
New Insights into Tyrrhenian Sea Warming and Heat Penetration through Long-Term Expendable Bathythermograph Data,
, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Volume 12, Number 10, (2024)
Deep-water hydrodynamic observations around a cold-water coral habitat in a submarine canyon in the eastern Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean Sea),
, Earth System Science Data, Volume 15, Number 5, p.1933-1946, (2023)
Carbonate chemistry and temperature dynamics in an alga dominated habitat,
, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Volume 44, (2021)
Identifying Priorities for the Protection of Deep Mediterranean Sea Ecosystems Through an Integrated Approach,
, Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 8, (2021)
Improved current estimates from spar buoy-mounted adcp measurement station: A case study in the ligurian sea,
, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Number 5, (2021)
Multiparametric monitoring of fish activity rhythms in an Atlantic coastal cabled observatory,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 212, (2020)
Towards a marine strategy for the deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of current ecological status,
, Marine Policy, Jan-02-2020, Volume 112, p.103781, (2020)
A spar buoy-mounted ADCP measurement station in the Ligurian Sea: A metrological approach to correct current measures for bias effects and evaluate uncertainties,
, 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2018 - Proceedings, p.82-87, (2019)
The Tyrrhenian Intermediate Water (TIW): Characterization and formation mechanisms,
, Progress in Oceanography, Volume 170, p.53-68, (2019)
Faunal activity rhythms influencing early community succession of an implanted whale carcass offshore Sagami Bay, Japan,
, Scientific Reports, Volume 8, Number 1, (2018)
Uncertainty evaluation of CTD measurements: a metrological approach to water-column coastal parameters in the Gulf of La Spezia area,
, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Volume 126, p.156-163, (2018)
Analysis of surface circulation structures along a frequently repeated XBT transect crossing the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas,
, Ocean Dynamics, Volume 66, Number 6-7, p.767-783, (2016)
Investigating the mediterranean by seafloor observations: The eastern branch of the EMSO Ligurian Sea node,
, MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World, (2015)
Using SeaDataNet management system to preserve the XBT data-set of the Mediterranean Sea,
, MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World, (2015)
Quarant'anni di dati oceanografici a cura del Centro Ricerche Ambiente Marino ENEA S. Teresa: il quadro del golfo di La Spezia. Distribuzione storica dei dati dal 1973 al 2013,
Tidal current energy resource assessment: The Strait of Messina test case,
, 4th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power: Renewable Energy Resources Impact, ICCEP 2013, Alghero, p.213-220, (2013)
Estimators of wave peak period for large return period seastates,
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, Volume 6, Rotterdam, p.899-907, (2011)
A medium-resolution wave hindcast study over the Central and Western Mediterranean Sea,
, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Volume 16, Number 2, p.181-201, (2011)
Analysis of pipeline fatigue damage for scour induced freespans,
, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, p.892-899, (2007)