Produzione scientifica
Found 7579 results
Determination of the safety level of an advanced lithium ion battery having a nanostructured Sn-C anode, a high voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode, and a polyvinylidene fluoride-based gel electrolyte,
, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 55, Number 13, p.4194-4200, (2010)
Developmental and oncogenic effects of insulin-like growth factor-I in Ptc1+/- mouse cerebellum,
, Mol Cancer, 2010 Mar 09, Volume 9, p.53, (2010)
Differences in cytotoxicity versus pro-inflammatory potency of different PM fractions in human epithelial lung cells,
, Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 24, Number 1, p.29-39, (2010)
Differential role of CD133 and CXCR4 in renal cell carcinoma.,
, Cell Cycle, 2010 Nov 15, Volume 9, Issue 22, p.4492-4500, (2010)
Dispersal and survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera Culicidae) Males in Italian Urban Areas and Significance for Sterile Insect Application.,
, Journal of Medical Entomology, 12/2010, Volume 47, Number 6, p.1082-1091, (2010)
A disposable Laccase-Tyrosinase based biosensor for amperometric detection of phenolic compounds in must and wine,
, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, Volume 64, Number 3-4, p.189-194, (2010)
Distribution and diversity of open-ocean, near-bottom macroplankton in the western Mediterranean: Analysis at different spatio-temporal scales,
, Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 57, Number 11, p.1485-1498, (2010)
DNA repair capacity and acute radiotherapy adverse effects in Italian breast cancer patients,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 684, Number 1-2, p.43-48, (2010)
Dosimetry of a set-up for the exposure of newborn mice to 2.45-GHz WIFI frequencies,
, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 140, Number 4, p.326-332, (2010)
Double-Phase Reference Materials,
, The Future of Reference Materials – Science and Innovation - November 23-25 2010, EU-JRC IRMM - Geel (Belgium), (2010)
Dynamic behavior of a historical building,
, Advanced Materials Research, Volume 133-134, p.659-664, (2010)
Dynamic behavior of stay cables with rotational dampers,
, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Jan-06-2010, Volume 136, Issue 6, Number 6, p.697-709, (2010)
Dynamics of shallow cables with general initial shape due to mean-flow loads,
, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings, Volume 10, Number PART B, Lake Buena Vista, FL, p.785-792, (2010)
EARLINET correlative measurements for CALIPSO: First intercomparison results,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 115, Number 4, (2010)
Early identification of Aspergillus carbonarius in artificially and naturally contaminated grape berries by real-time polymerase chain reaction,
, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, Volume 3, Number 3, p.120–126, (2010)
Ecotoxicological evaluation of a diesel - Contaminated soil during a micro-scale bioremediation process,
, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 8 B, p.1756-1761, (2010)
Effect of the organic loading rate on biogas composition in continuous fermentative hydrogen production,
, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 45, Number 12, p.1475-1481, (2010)
Effect of the substrate temperature on zirconium oxynitride thin films deposited by water vapour-nitrogen radiofrequency magnetron sputtering,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 518, Number 8, p.1943-1946, (2010)
Effects of deprivation of background environmental radiation on cultured human cells,
, Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B, Volume 125, Number 4, p.469-477, (2010)
Effects of global financial crisis on medium-long term emission scenarios, in the perspective of air pollution and climate change,
, 15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress 2010, Presentations, Volume 2, p.1298-1314, (2010)
Effects of ocean acidification and high temperatures on the bryozoan Myriapora truncata at natural CO2 vents,
, MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE, SEP, Volume 31, Number 3, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, p.447-456, (2010)
Effects of preservation on the δ13C and δ15N values of deep sea macrofauna,
, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Volume 395, Number 1-2, p.93-97, (2010)
Effects of resolution on the relative importance of numerical and physical horizontal diffusion in atmospheric composition modelling,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 10, Number 6, p.2737-2743, (2010)
Efficient Agrobacterium-based transient expression system for the production of biopharmaceuticals in plants,
, Bioengineered Bugs, Volume 1, Number 3, p.221-224, (2010)
Engineering a continuous flow electrochemical micro-cell for biosensor applications: New achievements,
, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Volume 90, Number 1, p.31-39, (2010)