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The sensitivity of simulated river discharge to land surface representation and meteorological forcings,
, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Volume 11, Number 2, p.334-351, (2010)
Simulation of the intraseasonal and the interannual variability of rainfall over West Africa with RegCM3 during the monsoon period,
, International Journal of Climatology, Volume 30, Number 12, p.1865-1883, (2010)
Climate warming effects on the Olea europaea-Bactrocera oleae system in Mediterranean islands: Sardinia as an example,
, Global Change Biology, 2009///, Volume 15, p.2874 - 2884, (2009)
Scenarios downscaling: Qualitative comparison between RAINS-Europe and RAINS-Italy,
, 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Proceedings, p.2321-2327, (2009)
Synergies between energy efficiency measures and air pollution in Italy,
, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 123, p.431-438, (2009)
On the coupling between vegetation and rainfall inter-annual anomalies: Possible contributions to seasonal rainfall predictability over land areas,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 35, Number 2, (2008)
Mediterranean water cycle changes: Transition to drier 21st century conditions in observations and CMIP3 simulations,
, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 3, Number 4, (2008)
Prospective evaluation of the biological control of vine mealybug: Refuge effects and climate,
, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2008///, Volume 45, p.524 - 536, (2008)
Seasonal transport patterns of intense Saharan dust events at the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa,
, Atmospheric Research, Volume 88, Number 2, p.134-148, (2008)
Intercomparison of the northern hemisphere winter mid-latitude atmospheric variability of the IPCC models,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 28, Number 7-8, p.829-848, (2007)
New approaches to study the relationship between stomatal conductance and environmental factors under Mediterranean climatic conditions,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 41, Number 26, p.5385-5397, (2007)
State knowledge on climatic change: The Fourth Assessment Report as a case study between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) and Africa [Lo stato delle conoscenze sui cambiamenti climatici: Il Quarto Rapporto dell'IPCC e l'Africa come cas,
, Rivista Giurdica dell'Ambiente, Volume 22, Number 3-4, p.477-506, (2007)
Does the subtropical jet catalyze the midlatitude atmospheric regimes?,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 33, Number 6, (2006)
Insignificant change in antarctic snowfall since the international geophysical year,
, Science, Volume 313, Number 5788, p.827-831, (2006)
Large-scale assessment of drought variability based on NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 re-analyses,
, Water Resources Management, Volume 20, Number 6, p.899-915, (2006)
Location of a new ice core site at Talos Dome (East Antarctica),
, Annals of Geophysics, Volume 49, Number 4-5, p.1133-1138, (2006)
The MINNI Project: An integrated assessment modeling system for policy making,
, MODSIM05 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making, Proceedings, Melbourne, VIC, p.2005-2011, (2005)
Satellite on-board temperatures: Proxy measurements on Earth's climate changes?,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Number 6, p.1-4, (2005)
Development of Raman lidar techniques to address the indirect aerosol effect: Retrieving the liquid water content of clouds,
, European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Volume 1, Number 561, p.411-414, (2004)
How strong is carbon cycle-climate feedback under global warming?,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 31, Number 20, p.L20203 1-5, (2004)
50 years of ice-front changes between the Adélie and Banzare Coasts, East Antarctica,
, Annals of Glaciology, Volume 34, p.235-240, (2002)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the urban atmospheric particulate matter in the city of Naples (Italy),
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 33, Number 23, p.3731-3738, (1999)
Ice-front change and iceberg behaviour along Oates and George V Coasts, Antarctica, 1912-96,
, Annals of Glaciology, Volume 27, p.643-650, (1998)