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Egypt's Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise and Storm Surge: Present and Future Conditions,
, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Volume 16, Number 5, p.761-772, (2020)
Improving the retrieval of carbon-based phytoplankton biomass from satellite ocean colour observations,
, Remote Sensing, Volume 12, Number 21, p.1-13, (2020)
Outdoor thermal perception and comfort conditions in the Köppen-Geiger climate category BSk. one-year field survey and measurement campaign in Konya, Turkey,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 738, (2020)
Selection of tree species for forests under climate change: Is PSI functioning a better predictor for net photosynthesis and growth than PSII?,
, Tree Physiology, Volume 40, Number 11, p.1561-1571, (2020)
Sensitivity of heating performance of an energy self-sufficient building to climate zone, climate change and HVAC system solutions,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 61, (2020)
Trends in atmospheric humidity and temperature above Dome C, antarctica evaluated from observations and reanalyses,
, Atmosphere, Volume 11, Number 8, (2020)
Deconstructing the eradication of new world screwworm in North America: retrospective analysis and climate warming effects,
, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Volume 33, Number 2, p.282-295, (2019)
Design optimization of mist cooling for Urban Heat Island mitigation: Experimental study on the role of injection density,
, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 296, Number 1, (2019)
The European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA): Collaboration from bottom-up,
, Advances in Geosciences, Volume 46, p.1-10, (2019)
Forest Fires Across Italian Regions and Implications for Climate Change: A Panel Data Analysis,
, Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 72, Number 1, p.207-246, (2019)
Growing season extension affects ozone uptake by European forests,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 669, p.1043-1052, (2019)
Impacts of air pollution on human and ecosystem health, and implications for the National Emission Ceilings Directive: Insights from Italy,
, Environment International, APR, Volume 125, p.320-333, (2019)
Long-term health impact assessment of total PM2.5 in Europe during the 1990–2015 period,
, Atmospheric Environment: X, Volume 3, (2019)
A network approach for moving from planning to implementation in climate change adaptation: Evidence from southern Mexico,
, Environmental Science and Policy, Volume 93, p.146-157, (2019)
A protocol to develop Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture,
, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 252, p.109701, (2019)
Resilience of a building to future climate conditions in three European cities,
, Energies, Volume 12, Number 23, (2019)
Transforming rooftops into productive urban spaces in the Mediterranean. An LCA comparison of agri-urban production and photovoltaic energy generation,
, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, p.321-336, (2019)
Currently legislated decreases in nitrogen deposition will yield only limited plant species recovery in European forests,
, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 13, Number 12, (2018)
Diversification Strategies and Adaptation Deficit: Evidence from Rural Communities in Niger,
, World Development, Volume 101, p.219-234, (2018)
Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy,
, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Volume 23, Number 1, p.1-19, (2018)
Landsat 8 OLI satellite data for mapping of the Posidonia oceanica and benthic habitats of coastal ecosystems,
, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 40, Number 4, p.1548-1575, (2018)
Mediterranean Thermohaline Response to Large-Scale Winter Atmospheric Forcing in a High-Resolution Ocean Model Simulation,
, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 175, Number 11, p.4083-4110, (2018)
Modelling study of soil C, N and pH response to air pollution and climate change using European LTER site observations,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 640-641, p.387-399, (2018)
Ecological impacts of atmospheric pollution and interactions with climate change in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin: Current research and future directions,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 227, p.194-206, (2017)
Egypt's coastal vulnerability to sea level rise and storm surge,
, 13th International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation, MEDCOAST 2017, Volume 2, p.675-686, (2017)