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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Central Mediterranean [Clear All Filters]
Air-sea interaction in the central Mediterranean Sea: assessment of reanalysis and satellite observations,
, Remote Sensing, Jan-06-2021, Volume 13, Issue 11, Number 11, p.2188, (2021)
Application of a common methodology to select in situ CO2 observations representative of the atmospheric background to an Italian collaborative network,
, Atmosphere, Jan-02-2021, Volume 12, Issue 2, Number 2, p.246, (2021)
MIS 5.5 highstand and future sea level flooding at 2100 and 2300 in tectonically stable areas of central mediterranean sea: Sardinia and the pontina plain (Southern Latium), Italy,
, Water (Switzerland), Volume 13, Number 18, (2021)
Assessing the quality of shortwave and longwave irradiance observations over the ocean: One year of high-time-resolution measurements at the lampedusa oceanographic observatory,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 36, Number 12, p.2383-2400, (2019)
Pathways of inorganic and organic contaminants from land to deep sea: The case study of the Gulf of Cagliari (W Tyrrhenian Sea),
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 647, p.334-341, (2019)
Climate, environment and society in southern Italy during the last 2000 years. A review of the environmental, historical and archaeological evidence,
, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 136, p.173-188, (2016)
Determination of global and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation from a multifilter shadowband radiometer,
, Applied Optics, 2016///, Volume 55, Issue 29, Number 29, p.8280-8286, (2016)
Chemical composition of fine and coarse aerosol particles in the Central Mediterranean area during dust and non-dust conditions,
, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Volume 15, Number 2, p.410-425, (2015)
Comparison of online and offline methods for measuring fine secondary inorganic ions and carbonaceous aerosols in the central mediterranean area,
, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Volume 15, Number 7, p.2641-2653, (2015)
Fine carbonaceous aerosol characteristics at a coastal rural site in the Central Mediterranean as given by OCEC online measurements,
, Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 56, p.78-87, (2013)
Water masses and nutrient distribution in the Gulf of Syrte and between Sicily and Libya,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 121-122, p.36-46, (2013)
Sea-salt aerosol forecasts compared with wave and sea-salt measurements in the open mediterranean sea,
, European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Volume 703 SP, Frascati, (2012)
The June 2007 Saharan dust event in the central Mediterranean: Observations and radiative effects in marine, urban, and sub-urban environments,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Number 30, p.5385-5393, (2011)
Large aerosol effects on ozone photolysis in the Mediterranean,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Number 24, p.3937-3943, (2011)
Chronological records of metal deposition in sediments from the Strait of Sicily, central Mediterranean: Assessing natural fluxes and anthropogenic alteration,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 79, Number 1-2, p.157-172, (2010)
Geochemistry and mineralogy of sediments and authigenic carbonates from the Malta Plateau, Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean): Relationships with mud/fluid release from a mud volcano system,
, Chemical Geology, Volume 276, Number 3-4, p.294-308, (2010)
Large atmospheric shortwave radiative forcing by Mediterranean aerosols derived from simultaneous ground-based and spaceborne observations and dependence on the aerosol type and single scattering albedo,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 115, Number 10, (2010)