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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Italy [Clear All Filters]
12 years of 7Be and 210Pb in Mt. Cimone, and their correlation with meteorological parameters,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 87, p.108-122, (2014)
The amorphous Zn biomineralization at Naracauli stream, Sardinia: Electron microscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 11, p.6775-6782, (2014)
Application of a toxicity test battery integrated index for a first screening of the ecotoxicological threat posed by ports and harbors in the southern Adriatic Sea (Italy),
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 186, Number 11, p.7127-7139, (2014)
Assessing complementarity of wind and solar resources for energy production in Italy. A Monte Carlo approach,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 63, p.576-586, (2014)
Assessment of the AMS-MINNI system capabilities to simulate air quality over Italy for the calendar year 2005,
, Atmospheric Environment, FEB, Volume 84, p.178-188, (2014)
Assessment of the applicability of a "toolbox" designed for microbially assisted phytoremediation: The case study at Ingurtosu mining site (Italy),
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 11, p.6939-6951, (2014)
Buckwheat achenes antioxidant profile modulates Aspergillus flavus growth and aflatoxin production,
, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 189, p.1-10, (2014)
Characterization of biomasses in the southern Italy regions for their use in thermal processes,
, Applied Energy, Volume 131, p.180-188, (2014)
Coarse sediments in Northern Apennine peat bogs and lakes: New data for the record of Holocene alluvial phases in peninsular Italy,
, Holocene, Volume 24, Number 8, p.932-943, (2014)
Comparability of river quality assessment using macrophytes: A multi-step procedure to overcome biogeographical differences,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.757-767, (2014)
Development and application of a planning support tool in the municipal wastewater sector: The case study of Italy,
, Land Use Policy, Volume 41, p.260-273, (2014)
An emergy-GIS approach to the evaluation of renewable resource flows: A case study of Campania Region, Italy,
, Ecological Modelling, Volume 271, p.103-112, (2014)
First evaluation of the threat posed by antifouling biocides in the Southern Adriatic Sea,
, Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts, Volume 16, Number 8, p.1981-1993, (2014)
The gabbro and serpentinized peridotite of Bonassola (Bracco-Levanto ophiolite, Italy) - An extremely low natural radiation area to improve in situ gamma spectrometry,
, Ofioliti, Volume 39, Number 2, p.43-49, (2014)
GIS based assessment of the spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations using pollutant emissions data,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 97, p.121-129, (2014)
Heavy metal pollution and potential ecological risks in rivers: A case study from Southern Italy,
, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 92, Number 1, p.75-80, (2014)
The HelioMont method for assessing solar irradiance over complex terrain: Validation and improvements,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 152, p.603-613, (2014)
Impact of black carbon aerosol over Italian basin valleys: High-resolution measurements along vertical profiles, radiative forcing and heating rate,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 14, Number 18, p.9641-9664, (2014)
Laponite micro-packs for the selective cleaning of multiple coherent deposits on wall paintings: The case study of Casina Farnese on the Palatine Hill (Rome-Italy),
, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Volume 94, p.1-11, (2014)
Mediterranean Quercus suber wooded grasslands risk disappearance: New evidences from Sardinia (Italy),
, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 329, p.148-157, (2014)
Modelling dispersion of smoke from wildfires in a Mediterranean area,
, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Volume 55, Number 1-4, p.219-229, (2014)
Monitoring and evaluating the sustainability of Italian agricultural system. An emergy decomposition analysis,
, Ecological Modelling, Volume 271, p.132-148, (2014)
Multitemporal landslides inventory map updating using spaceborne SAR analysis,
, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 30, Number 1, p.238-246, (2014)
New functions for estimating AOT40 from ozone passive sampling,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 95, p.82-88, (2014)
Observed influence of liquid cloud microphysical properties on ultraviolet surface radiation,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 119, Number 5, p.2429-2440, (2014)