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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Italy  [Clear All Filters]
Aerosol optical properties at Lampedusa (Central Mediterranean). 1. Influence of transport and identification of different aerosol types, Pace, Giandomenico, Di Sarra Alcide, Meloni Daniela, Piacentino Salvatore, and Chamard P. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 6, Number 3, p.697-713, (2006)
Aerosol optical properties at Lampedusa (Central Mediterranean). 2. Determination of single scattering albedo at two wavelengths for different aerosol types, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Pace Giandomenico, and Monteleone Francesco , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 6, Number 3, p.715-727, (2006)
Concentration measurement in a road tunnel as a method to assess "real-world" vehicles exhaust emissions, Zanini, Gabriele, Berico M., Monforti F., Vitali Lina, Zambonelli S., Chiavarini Salvatore, Georgiadis T., and Nardino M. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 40, Number 7, p.1242-1254, (2006)
Critical loads for Cd and Pb in the province of Bologna, Morselli, L., Bernardi E., Passarini F., and Tesini E. , Annali di Chimica, Volume 96, Number 11-12, p.697-705, (2006)
Environmental impact of the U.S. nuclear submarine base at La Maddalena Archipelago, Sardinia, Italy., Papucci, C., and Delfanti Roberta , Journal of environmental radioactivity., Volume 87, Number 1, p.131; author reply 132-134, (2006)
Gas to particle (PM10) partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a typical urban environment of the Po Valley (Bologna, Italy), Stracquadanio, Milena, and Trombini C. , Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 15, Number 10, p.1276-1286, (2006)
Increase in mortality for motor neuron disease in Italy, 1980-1999 [Incremento della mortalità per malattia del motoneurone in Italia negli anni 1980-1999.], Altavista, P., Belli S., Binazzi A., Comba P., Mastrantonio Marina, Uccelli Raffaella, and Vanacore N. , Epidemiologia e prevenzione., Volume 30, Number 2, p.108-113, (2006)
Investigating heavy metal resistance, bioaccumulation and metabolic profile of a metallophile microbial consortium native to an abandoned mine, Sprocati, A.R., Alisi Chiara, Segre L., Tasso Flavia, Galletti M., and Cremisini C. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 366, Number 2-3, p.649-658, (2006)
Occurrence of antifouling paint booster biocides in selected harbors and marinas inside the Gulf of Napoli: A preliminary survey, Di Landa, G., Ansanelli Giuliana, Ciccoli R., and Cremisini C. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 52, Number 11, p.1541-1546, (2006)
Particulate matter, gas-phase and particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an urban environment heavily impacted by vehicular traffic (Bologna, Italy), Stracquadanio, Milena, and Trombini C. , Annali di Chimica, Volume 96, Number 7-8, p.463-478, (2006)
Retrospective mortality cohort study of Italian workers compensated for silicosis, Marinaccio, A., Scarselli A., Gorini G., Chellini E., Mastrantonio Marina, Uccelli Raffaella, Altavista P., Pirastu R., Merlo D.F., and Nesti M. , Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Volume 63, Number 11, p.762-765, (2006)
Sedimentary humic substances in the northern Adriatic sea (Mediterranean sea), Calace, N., Cardellicchio N., Petronio B.M., Pietrantonio Massimiliana, and Pietroletti M. , Marine Environmental Research, Volume 61, Number 1, p.40-58, (2006)
The subduction structure of the northern Apennines: Results from the RETREAT seismic deployment, Margheriti, L., Pondrelli S., Piccinini D., Agostinetti N.P., Giovani L., Salimbeni S., Lucente F.P., Amato A., Baccheschi P., Park J., et al. , Annals of Geophysics, Volume 49, Number 4-5, p.1119-1131, (2006)
Transport of volcanic aerosol in the troposphere: The case study of the 2002 Etna plume, Villani, Maria Gabriella, Mona L., Maurizi A., Pappalardo G., Tiesi A., Pandolfi M., D'Isidoro Massimo, Cuomo V., and Tampieri F. , Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 111, Number 21, (2006)
Biological parameters of Thripobius semiluteus Bouček (Hym., Eulophidae), a larval endoparasitoid of Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché) (Thysan., Thripidae), Bernardo, U., Viggiani G., and Sasso R , Journal of Applied Entomology, Volume 129, Number 5, p.250-257, (2005)
The certification of the Circeo National Park (central Italy): evaluation of the quality of the surface waters [La certificación del Parque Nacional del Circeo (Italia central): Evaluación de la calidad de las aguas superficiales], Morgana, Josè Giancarlo, Betta G., Minciardi Maria Rita, Prato Susanna, Rosa S., and Naviglio L. , Limnetica, Volume 24, Number 1-2, p.21-32, (2005)
Comparison of ground-based and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer erythemal UV doses at the island of Lampedusa in the period 1998-2003: Role of tropospheric aerosols, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Herman J.R., Monteleone Francesco, and Piacentino Salvatore , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 110, Number 1, p.1-12, (2005)
Decapod crustaceans of Tyrrhenian Sea soft bottoms (central Mediterranean), Fanelli, E., Lattanzi L., Nicoletti L., and Tomassetti P. , Crustaceana, Volume 78, Number 6, p.641-651, (2005)
Effect of urea on degradation of terbuthylazine in soil, A. Caracciolo, Barra, Giuliano Giovanni, Grenni P., Cremisini C., Ciccoli R., and Ubaldi Carla , Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Volume 24, Number 5, p.1035-1040, (2005)
Emission scenarios of air pollutants in Italy using integrated assessment models, Vialetto, G., Contaldi M., De Lauretis R., Lelli M., Mazzotta V., and Pignatelli T. , Pollution Atmospherique, Number 185, p.71-78, (2005)
Field evaluation of a passive sampler of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an urban atmosphere (Bologna, Italy), Stracquadanio, Milena, Bergamini D., Massaroli E., and Trombini C. , Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 7, Number 9, p.910-915, (2005)