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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Atmospheric temperature [Clear All Filters]
The Hort3Space Experiment: Hydroponic System for Life Support,
, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, (2024)
Sea surface temperature intercomparison in the framework of the copernicus climate change service (C3S),
, Journal of Climate, Volume 34, Number 13, p.5257-5283, (2021)
Trends in atmospheric humidity and temperature above Dome C, antarctica evaluated from observations and reanalyses,
, Atmosphere, Volume 11, Number 8, (2020)
Design optimization of mist cooling for Urban Heat Island mitigation: Experimental study on the role of injection density,
, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 296, Number 1, (2019)
Half a century of satellite remote sensing of sea-surface temperature,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 233, (2019)
High albedo materials to counteract heat waves in cities: An assessment of meteorology, buildings energy needs and pedestrian thermal comfort,
, Building and Environment, Volume 163, (2019)
Regulating Ecosystem Services and Green Infrastructure: assessment of Urban Heat Island effect mitigation in the municipality of Rome, Italy,
, Ecological Modelling, Volume 392, p.92-102, (2019)
Influence of input climatic data on simulations of annual energy needs of a building: Energyplus and WRF modeling for a case study in Rome (Italy),
, Energies, Volume 11, Number 10, (2018)
A multi-sites analysis on the ozone effects on Gross Primary Production of European forests,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 556, p.1-11, (2016)
A new convective velocity scale for studying diurnal urban heat island circulation,
, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 55, Number 10, p.2151-2164, (2016)
Numerical study of the daytime planetary boundary layer over an idealized urban area: Influence of surface properties, anthropogenic heat flux, and geostrophic wind intensity,
, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 55, Number 4, p.1021-1039, (2016)
Observationally based analysis of land-atmosphere coupling,
, Earth System Dynamics, Volume 7, Number 1, p.251-266, (2016)
Total column water vapour from along track scanning radiometer series using thermal infrared dual view ocean cloud free measurements: The Advanced Infra-Red WAter Vapour Estimator (AIRWAVE) algorithm,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 172, p.1-14, (2016)
Impact of atmosphere and land surface initial conditions on seasonal forecasts of global surface temperature,
, Journal of Climate, Volume 27, Number 24, p.9253-9271, (2014)
Morphological and structural characterization of Sm-O-S compounds prepared by thermolysis of dithiocarbamate precursors,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 556, p.241-246, (2014)
Two years of atmospheric boundary layer observations on a 45-m tower at Dome C on the Antarctic plateau,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 118, Number 8, p.3218-3232, (2013)
Effects of seasonal cycle fluctuations in an A1B scenario over the Euro-Mediterranean region,
, Climate Research, Volume 52, Number 1, p.135-157, (2012)
Evaluation of probabilistic quality and value of the ENSEMBLES multimodel seasonal forecasts: Comparison with DEMETER,
, Monthly Weather Review, Volume 139, Number 2, p.581-607, (2011)
Quality assessment of a 1985-2007 Mediterranean sea reanalysis,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 28, Number 4, p.569-589, (2011)
The SST multidecadal variability in the Atlantic-Mediterranean region and its relation to AMO,
, Journal of Climate, Volume 24, Number 16, p.4385-4401, (2011)
Tropical cyclone count forecasting using a dynamical seasonal prediction system: Sensitivity to improved ocean initialization,
, Journal of Climate, Volume 24, Number 12, p.2963-2982, (2011)
Effect of the substrate temperature on zirconium oxynitride thin films deposited by water vapour-nitrogen radiofrequency magnetron sputtering,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 518, Number 8, p.1943-1946, (2010)
Evolution of temperature, O3, CO, and N2O profiles during the exceptional 2009 Arctic major stratospheric warming as observed by lidar and millimeter-wave spectroscopy at Thule (76.5°N, 68.8°W), Greenland,
, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 115, Number 24, (2010)
The INGV-CMCC seasonal prediction system: Improved ocean initial conditions,
, Monthly Weather Review, Volume 138, Number 7, p.2930-2952, (2010)
Catalytic effect of ZrCrNi alloy on hydriding properties of MgH2,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Number 22, p.9157-9162, (2009)