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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Biomass [Clear All Filters]
Biorefineries: Biofuels, biochemicals, and bioproducts,
, Biofuels Production and Processing Technology, p.533-568, (2017)
Chemicals from biomass: technological versus environmental feasibility. A review,
, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, Volume 11, Number 1, p.195-214, (2017)
Microalgae cultivation for lipids and carbohydrates production,
, Chemical engineering transactions, Volume 57, p.127–132, (2017)
Potential environmental impact of bioethanol production chain from fiber sorghum to be used in passenger cars,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 598, p.365-376, (2017)
Refuse recovered biomass fuel from municipal solid waste. A life cycle assessment,
, Applied Energy, Volume 186, p.211-225, (2017)
A swirling jet-induced cavitation to increase activated sludge solubilisation and aerobic sludge biodegradability,
, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Volume 35, p.489-501, (2017)
Biomass gasification technology: The state of the art overview,
, Journal of Energy Chemistry, Volume 25, Number 1, p.10-25, (2016)
Physico-chemical properties and biological effects of diesel and biomass particles,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 215, p.366-375, (2016)
Process Innovation Via Supercritical Water Gasification to Improve the Conventional Plants Performance in Treating Highly Humid Biomass,
, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Volume 7, Number 5, p.1289-1295, (2016)
Relationships linking primary production, sea ice melting, and biogenic aerosol in the Arctic,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 136, p.1-15, (2016)
Spatial variability of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities in northern Sicily (Western Mediterranean): Contrasting trawled vs. untrawled areas,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 122, p.113-125, (2016)
Stoichiometric evaluation of partial nitritation, anammox and denitrification processes in a sequencing batch reactor and interpretation of online monitoring parameters,
, Chemosphere, Volume 164, p.488-498, (2016)
Agriculture and Energy: a tight nexus,
, World food production. Facing growing needs and limited resources., Milano, p.203-228, (2015)
Changes in deep-sea fish and crustacean communities at 1000-2200m in the Western Mediterranean after 25years: Relation to hydro-climatic conditions,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 143, p.138-153, (2015)
Hydrogen from the high temperature water gas shift reaction with an industrial Fe/Cr catalyst using biomass gasification tar rich synthesis gas,
, Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 132, p.39-48, (2015)
Life Cycle Assessment of Mixed Municipal Solid Waste: Multi-input versus multi-output perspective,
, Waste Management, Volume 46, p.599-611, (2015)
Relationships between stability, maturity, water-extractable organic matter of municipal sewage sludge composts and soil functionality,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 22, Number 17, p.13393-13403, (2015)
Synthetic natural gas SNG production from biomass gasification - Thermodynamics and processing aspects,
, Fuel, Volume 139, p.425-429, (2015)
Bioethanol production from steam-pretreated corn stover through an isomerase mediated process,
, NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume 31, Number 2, p.185-195, (2014)
Catalytic wall flow filters for the reduction of biomass boilers emissions,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 37, p.19-24, (2014)
Characterization of biomasses in the southern Italy regions for their use in thermal processes,
, Applied Energy, Volume 131, p.180-188, (2014)
Coupled pot and lysimeter experiments assessing plant performance in microbially assisted phytoremediation,
, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 11, p.6905-6920, (2014)
Development and permeability of a dynamic membrane for anaerobic wastewater treatment,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 161, p.236-244, (2014)
Life cycle assessment of Brassica carinata biomass conversion to bioenergy and platform chemicals,
, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 66, p.174-187, (2014)
Partial nitrification for nitrogen removal from sanitary landfill leachate,
, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 49, Number 11, p.1331-1340, (2014)