Produzione scientifica
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Filtri: Autore is Gerardo De Canio and Parola Chiave is Damage detection [Clear All Filters]
Damage detection of masonry structures under shaking table tests through relative displacements by 3D optical markers,
, COMPDYN Proceedings, Volume 3, p.4887-4895, (2019)
Motion magnification analysis applied to the dynamic identification of historic constructions,
, International Conference Florence Heri-Tech: the Future of Heritage Science and technologies, Volume 364, Number 1, Firenze, (2018)
A non-destructive testing methodology for damage assessment of reinforced concrete buildings after seismic events,
, Engineering Structures, Volume 163, p.122-136, (2018)
Analysis of 3D motion data from shaking table tests on a scaled model of Hagia Irene, Istanbul,
, Key Engineering Materials, Volume 624, p.66-73, (2015)