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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 44 55 56 47 58 52 51 51 52 35 4 505
Presentazione a Congresso 10 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 35
Monografia 7 3 1 1 2 1 2 17
Atti di Congresso 2 3 1 3 1 10
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 2 1 3
Miscellanea 2 2 3 1 2 10
Brevetto 1 2 1 1 5
Report 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 2 1 2 4 9
Web Article 1 1
Totale 67 65 69 55 67 57 61 56 57 40 4 598
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Ragazzola, F., Marchini A., Adani M., Bordone A., Castelli A., Cerrati G., et al. (2021).  An intertidal life: Combined effects of acidification and winter heatwaves on a coralline alga (Ellisolandia elongata) and its associated invertebrate community. Marine Environmental Research. 169,
Sbartai, Z.M., Luprano V. A. M., & Vasanelli E. (2021).  Evaluation of Concrete Strength by Combined NDT Techniques: Practice, Possibilities and Recommendations. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 32, 101-116.
Balayssac, J.-P., Breysse D., Alwash M., Luprano V. A. M., Romão X., & Sbartai Z.M. (2021).  How to Identify the Recommended Number of Cores?. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 32, 57-99.
Feng, Z., Agathokleous E., Yue X., Oksanen E., Paoletti E., Sase H., et al. (2021).  Emerging challenges of ozone impacts on asian plants: actions are needed to protect ecosystem health. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 7,
Taramelli, A., Valentini E., Piedelobo L., Righini M., & Cappucci S. (2021).  Assessment of state transition dynamics of coastal wetlands in Northern venice lagoon, Italy. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(8), 4102.
Jakovljević, T., Lovreškov L., Jelić G., Anav A., Popa I., Fornasier M.F., et al. (2021).  Impact of ground-level ozone on Mediterranean forest ecosystems health. Science of the Total Environment. 783,
Ragazzola, F., Kolzenburg R., Adani M., Bordone A., Cantoni C., Cerrati G., et al. (2021).  Carbonate chemistry and temperature dynamics in an alga dominated habitat. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 44,
Piazza, V., Greco G., Gambardella C., Garaventa F., Massanisso P., Chiavarini S., et al. (2021).  Corrigendum: “A new approach to testing potential leaching toxicity of fouling release coatings (FRCs)”. (Mar. Environ. Res. (2018) 141 (305–312), (S0141113618301314), (10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.09.024)). Marine Environmental Research. 168,
Lombardi, C., Kuklinski P., Bordone A., Spirandelli E., & Raiteri G. (2021).  Assessment of annual physico-chemical variability via high-temporal resolution monitoring in an antarctic shallow coastal site (Terra nova bay, ross sea). Minerals. 11(4), 374.
Dell’Anno, F., Rastelli E., Tangherlini M., Corinaldesi C., Sansone C., Brunet C., et al. (2021).  Highly Contaminated Marine Sediments Can Host Rare Bacterial Taxa Potentially Useful for Bioremediation. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12,
Ansanelli, G., Fiorentino G., Tammaro M., & Zucaro A. (2021).  A Life Cycle Assessment of a recovery process from End-of-Life Photovoltaic Panels. Applied Energy. 290,
Grauso, S., Pasanisi F., Tebano C., & Grillini M. (2021).  A multiple regression model to estimate the suspended sediment yield in Italian Apennine rivers by means of geomorphometric parameters. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment.
Alisi, C., Bacchetta L., Bojorquez E., Falconieri M., Gagliardi S., Insaurralde M., et al. (2021).  Mucilages from different plant species affect the characteristics of bio-mortars for restoration. Coatings. 11, 1-12.
Wanjeri, V.W.O., Okuku E.O., Barsanti M., Schirone A., Delbono I., Owato G., et al. (2021).  Baseline radionuclide and heavy metal concentrations in sediments of Sabaki River estuary (Kenya, Indian Ocean). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 164,
Acciarri, A., Bisci C., Cantalamessa G., Cappucci S., Conti M., Di Pancrazio G., et al. (2021).  Metrics for short-term coastal characterization, protection and planning decisions of Sentina Natural Reserve, Italy. Ocean and Coastal Management. 201, 105472.
Sacchelli, S., Carrari E., Paoletti E., Anav A., Hoshika Y., Sicard P., et al. (2021).  Economic impacts of ambient ozone pollution on wood production in Italy. Scientific Reports. 11,
Sicard, P., De Marco A., Carrari E., Dalstein-Richier L., Hoshika Y., Badea O., et al. (2021).  Correction To: Epidemiological derivation of flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in European forests (Journal of Forestry Research, (2020), 31, 5, (1509-1519), 10.1007/s11676-020-01191-x). Journal of Forestry Research. 33, 1703.
Ponti, S., Pezza M., & Guglielmin M. (2021).  The development of Antarctic tafoni: Relations between differential weathering rates and spatial distribution of thermal events, salts concentration and mineralogy. Geomorphology. 373,
Gallo, A., Guida M., Armiento G., Siciliano A., Mormile N., Carraturo F., et al. (2020).  Species-specific sensitivity of three microalgae to sediment elutriates. Marine Environmental Research. 156, 104901.
Morroni, L., d’Errico G., Sacchi M., Molisso F., Armiento G., Chiavarini S., et al. (2020).  Integrated characterization and risk management of marine sediments: The case study of the industrialized Bagnoli area (Naples, Italy). Marine Environmental Research. 160, 104984.
Sangiorgi, M., M. Hernández-Ceballos A., Jackson K., Cinelli G., Bogucarskis K., De Felice L., et al. (2020).  The European Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP): 25 years of monitoring data exchange. Earth System Science Data. 12, 109-118.
Cinelli, G., Brattich E., Coletti C., De Ingeniis V., Mazzoli C., Mostacci D., et al. (2020).  Terrestrial gamma dose rate mapping (Euganean Hills, Italy): comparison between field measurements and HPGe gamma spectrometric data. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 175, 54-67.
Meusburger, K., Evrard O., Alewell C., Borrelli P., Cinelli G., Ketterer M., et al. (2020).  Plutonium aided reconstruction of caesium atmospheric fallout in European topsoils. Scientific Reports. 10,
Coletti, C., Brattich E., Cinelli G., Cultrone G., Maritan L., Mazzoli C., et al. (2020).  Radionuclide concentration and radon exhalation in new mix design of bricks produced reusing NORM by-products: The influence of mineralogy and texture. Construction and Building Materials. 260,
Domingos, F., Cinelli G., Neves L., Pereira A., Braga R., Bossew P., et al. (2020).  Validation of a database of mean uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations in rock samples of Portuguese geological units, generated of literature data. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 222,
Bossew, P., Cinelli G., Ciotoli G., Crowley Q.G., de Cort M., Medina J.E., et al. (2020).  Development of a geogenic radon hazard index—concept, history, experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 1-24.
Rabago, D., Fuente I., Celaya S., Fernandez A., Fernandez E., Quindos J., et al. (2020).  Intercomparison of indoor radon measurements under field conditions in the framework of metroradon european project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17,
Reale, R., Dell’Aglio E., De Santis A., Borghini S., Sprocati AR., & Alisi C. (2020).  Composti naturali eco-compatibili per il controllo dei biodeteriogeni al Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano (Roma). Proceedings XI International Conference “Diagnosis for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage”.
Tangherlini, M., Corinaldesi C., Rastelli E., Musco L., Armiento G., Danovaro R., et al. (2020).  Chemical contamination can promote turnover diversity of benthic prokaryotic assemblages: The case study of the Bagnoli-Coroglio bay (southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine Environmental Research. 160, 105040.
Armiento, G., Caprioli R., Cerbone A., Chiavarini S., Crovato C., De Cassan M., et al. (2020).  Current status of coastal sediments contamination in the former industrial area of Bagnoli-Coroglio (Naples, Italy). Chemistry and Ecology. 36(6), 579–597.
Taramelli, A., Cappucci S., Valentini E., Rossi L., & Lisi I. (2020).  Nearshore Sandbar Classification of Sabaudia (Italy) with LiDAR Data: The FHyL Approach. Remote Sensing. 12(7), 1053.
Valentini, E., Taramelli A., Cappucci S., Filipponi F., & Xuan A. Nguyen (2020).  Exploring the dunes: the correlations between vegetation cover pattern and morphology for sediment retention assessment using airborne multisensor acquisition. Remote Sensing. 12(8), 1229.
Cappucci, S., & Proposito M. (2020).  Multisource water characterisation for water supply and management strategies on a small Mediterranean Island. (De Cassan, M., Grillini M., & Screpanti A., Ed.).Hydrogeology Journal. 28(4), 1155 - 1171.
Pollino, M., Cappucci S., Giordano L., Iantosca D., De Cecco L., Bersan D., et al. (2020).  Assessing Earthquake-induced Urban Rubble by means of multiplatform Remotely sensed data.. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 9(4), 262.
Cappucci, S., Buffarini G., Giordano L., Hailemikael S., Martini G., & Pollino M. (2020).  Local geology and seismic-induced damages: the case of Amatrice (Central Italy). (Gervasi, O., Murgante B., Misra S., Garau C., Blečić I., Taniar D., et al., Ed.).12250, 950 - 962.
Giglioli, S., Colombo L., Contestabile P., Musco L., Armiento G., Somma R., et al. (2020).  Source Apportionment Assessment of Marine Sediment Contamination in a Post-Industrial Area (Bagnoli, Naples). Water. 12(8), 2181.
Tnoumi, A., Angelone M., Armiento G., Caprioli R., Crovato C., De Cassan M., et al. (2020).  Studies On The Textural Characteristics of Sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon (Southern Coast of Morocco). International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET). 11(12), 
Agathokleous, E., Saitanis C. J., Feng Z., De Marco A., Araminienė V., Domingos M., et al. (2020).  Ozone biomonitoring: A versatile tool for science, education and regulation. CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & HEALTH. 18, 7–13.
Sicard, P., De Marco A., Carrari E., Dalstein-Richier L., Hoshika Y., Badea O., et al. (2020).  Epidemiological derivation of flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in European forests. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH. 31, 1509–1519.
Giani, P., Anav A., De Marco A., Feng Z., & Crippa P. (2020).  Exploring sources of uncertainty in premature mortality estimates from fine particulate matter: The case of China. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 15,
Saitanis, C. J., Sicard P., De Marco A., Feng Z., Paoletti E., & Agathokleous E. (2020).  On the atmospheric ozone monitoring methodologies. CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & HEALTH. 18, 40–46.
Scarchilli, C., Ciardini V., Grigioni P., Iaccarino A., De Silvestri L., Proposito M., et al. (2020).  Characterization of snowfall estimated by in situ and ground-based remote-sensing observations at Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology. 66(260), 1006 - 1023.
Corti, A., Vinciguerra V., Iannilli V., Pietrelli L., Manariti A., Bianchi S., et al. (2020).  Thorough Multianalytical Characterization and Quantification of Micro- and Nanoplastics from Bracciano Lake’s Sediments. Sustainability. 12(878), 1-19.
Iannilli, V., Corami F., Grasso P., Lecce F., Buttinelli M., & Setini A. (2020).  Plastic abundance and seasonal variation on the shorelines of three volcanic lakes in Central Italy: can amphipods help detect contamination?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 27(13), 14711 - 14722.
Grauso, S., Pasanisi F., & Tebano C. (2020).  Modeling the suspended sediment yield in Lesotho rivers. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 6(2), 759 - 768.
Pasanisi, F., Grauso S., Tebano C., Mahahabisa M., & Raliselo M. (2020).  Producing a Digital Hydrographic Map Aiming at Renewable Energy Potential Mapping of Lesotho. Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences. 10(1), 61 - 68.
Gambi, C., Dell'Anno A., Corinaldesi C., M. Martire L., Musco L., Da Ros Z., et al. (2020).  Impact of historical contamination on meiofaunal assemblages: The case study of the Bagnoli-Coroglio Bay (southern Tyrrhenian Sea). MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. 156, 104907.
Roselli, I., Fioriti V., De Canio G., Saitta F., Colucci A., & Forliti S. (2020).  Vibration monitoring in historical city centers: Effect of tram speed on the vibration intensity induced to the temple of Minerva MEdica, Rome [Monitoraggio delle vibrazione nei centri storici: Effetto della velocità dei tram sull’intensità delle vibr. REHABEND. 800-809.
Saitta, F., Forliti S., Colucci A., Tatì A., & Roselli I. (2020).   Dynamic modelling of tram-induced vibration on the temple of Minerva medica in Rome. XI International Conference on Structural DynamicsXI International Conference on Structural Dynamics.