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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Monografia 7 3 1 1 2 1 2 17
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 44 55 56 47 58 52 51 51 52 35 4 505
Presentazione a Congresso 10 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 35
Atti di Congresso 2 3 1 3 1 10
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 2 1 3
Miscellanea 2 2 3 1 2 10
Brevetto 1 2 1 1 5
Report 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 2 1 2 4 9
Web Article 1 1
Totale 67 65 69 55 67 57 61 56 57 40 4 598
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Sicard, P., Agathokleous E., Anenberg S.C., De Marco A., Paoletti E., & Calatayud V. (2023).  Trends in urban air pollution over the last two decades: A global perspective. Science of the Total Environment. 858,
Rossetti, I., Cogoni D., Calderisi G., & Fenu G. (2022).  Short-Term Effects and Vegetation Response after a Megafire in a Mediterranean Area. Land. 11,
Vitale, G., Vardè M., Caruso G., Corami F., Rosso B., Gregoris E., et al. (2022).  Small MICROplastics (<100 μm) bioindicaToRs in the changing ArctiC EnviRonment (MICROTRACER) - Field survey report: August 28th - September 26th, 2022.
Alicandro, M., Candigliota E., Dominici D., Immordino F., Masin F., Pascucci N., et al. (2022).  Hyperspectral PRISMA and Sentinel-2 Preliminary Assessment Comparison in Alba Fucens and Sinuessa Archaeological Sites (Italy). Land. 11,
Agathokleous, E., De Marco A., Paoletti E., Querol X., & Sicard P. (2022).  Air pollution and climate change threats to plant ecosystems. Environmental Research. 212,
De Marco, A., Sicard P., Feng Z., Agathokleous E., Alonso R., Araminienė V., et al. (2022).  Strategic roadmap to assess forest vulnerability under air pollution and climate change. Global Change Biology. 28, 5062-5085.
Sicard, P., Agathokleous E., De Marco A., & Paoletti E. (2022).  Ozone-reducing urban plants: Choose carefully. Science. 377, 585.
Eghdami, H., Werner W., De Marco A., & Sicard P. (2022).  Influence of Ozone and Drought on Tree Growth under Field Conditions in a 22 Year Time Series. Forests. 13,
De Marco, A., Fornasier M.F., Screpanti A., Lombardi D., & Vitale M. (2022).  Nitrogen Budget and Statistical Entropy Analysis of the Tiber River Catchment, a Highly Anthropized Environment. Soil Systems. 6,
Agathokleous, S., Saitanis C.J., Savvides C., Sicard P., Agathokleous E., & De Marco A. (2022).  Spatiotemporal variations of ozone exposure and its risks to vegetation and human health in Cyprus: an analysis across a gradient of altitudes. Journal of Forestry Research.
Mircea, M., Borge R., Finardi S., Fares S., Briganti G., D'Isidoro M., et al. (2022).  Urban Vegetation Effects on Meteorology and Air Quality: A Comparison of Three European Cities. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. 13-19.
Montereali, M R., Bonfigli F., Nichelatti E., Piccinini M., & Vincenti M.A. (2022).  Luminescence of point defects in lithium fluoride thin layers for radiation imaging detectors at the nanoscale. Optical Nanospectroscopy: Applications. 69-95.
Alisi, C., Magrini D., Vettori S., Salvadori B., Vincenti M., Manna D., et al. (2022).  Sustainable Restoration Guided by Scientific and Archival Investigations: The Bio-Cleaning of Lorenzo Duke of Urbino’s Sarcophagus, a Michelangelo’s Masterpiece in the Medici Chapels. Heritage. 5, 3359 – 3373.
Čeliković, I., Pantelić G., Vukanac I., Nikolić J. Krneta, Živanović M., Cinelli G., et al. (2022).  Overview of Radon Flux Characteristics, Measurements, Models and Its Potential Use for the Estimation of Radon Priority Areas. Atmosphere. 13,
Pollino, M., La Porta L., Crosara A., De Rosa L., Di Iorio T., Iaccarino A., et al. (2022).  The integrated Marine Hazard webGIS platform for management of open and coastal ocean in Sicily. 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2022 - Proceedings. 180-184.
Marini, S., Bonofiglio F., Corgnati L. Paolo, Bordone A., Schiaparelli S., & Peirano A. (2022).  Long-term High Resolution Image Dataset of Antarctic Coastal Benthic Fauna. Scientific Data . 9(144), 750.
Gherardi, F., Barsanti M., Principe C., & Magro G. (2022).  Helium isotopes in Plinian and inter-Plinian volcanic products of Vesuvius, Italy. Frontiers in Earth Science. 10,
D'Amico, M., Gambaro A., Barbante C., Barbaro E., Caiazzo L., & Vecchiato M. (2022).  Occurrence of the UV-filter 2-Ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnimate (EHMC) in Antarctic snow: First results. Microchemical Journal. 183,
Alisi, C., Bacchetta L., Bojorquez E., Falconieri M., Gagliardi S., Insaurralde M., et al. (2022).  Sustainable additives from Opuntia mucilage in restoration mortars. Acta Horticulturae. 1343, 435-442.
Armiento, G., Barsanti M., Caprioli R., Chiavarini S., Conte F., Crovato C., et al. (2022).  Heavy metal background levels and pollution temporal trend assessment within the marine sediments facing a brownfield area (Gulf of Pozzuoli, Southern Italy). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 194,
Macchia, A., Aureli H., Biribicchi C., Docci A., Alisi C., Prestileo F., et al. (2022).  In Situ Application of Anti-Fouling Solutions on a Mosaic of the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica. Materials. 15,
Montereali, M R., Bonfigli F., Nichelatti E., Nigro V., Piccinini M., & Vincenti M.A. (2022).  Visible radiophotoluminescence of colour centres in lithium fluoride: From lasers to versatile radiation sensors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2298,
Rashidi, R., Khaniabadi Y.O., Sicard P., De Marco A., & Anbari K. (2022).  Ambient PM2.5 and O3 pollution and health impacts in Iranian megacity. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 37, 175-184.
Cinelli, G., Tondeur F., Dehandschutter B., Menneson F., & Rincones J. (2022).  Harmonization and mapping of terrestrial gamma dose rate data in Belgium. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 248,
Röttger, S., Röttger A., Grossi C., Vargas A., Karstens U., Cinelli G., et al. (2022).  Radon metrology for use in climate change observation and radiation protection at the environmental level. Advances in Geosciences. 57, 37-47.
Coletti, C., Ciotoli G., Benà E., Brattich E., Cinelli G., Galgaro A., et al. (2022).  The assessment of local geological factors for the construction of a Geogenic Radon Potential map using regression kriging. A case study from the Euganean Hills volcanic district (Italy). Science of the Total Environment. 808,
Čeliković, I., Pantelić G., Vukanac I., Nikolić J.K., Živanović M., Cinelli G., et al. (2022).  Outdoor Radon as a Tool to Estimate Radon Priority Areas—A Literature Overview. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19,
Ciadamidaro, S., & Mancini L. (2022).  The new Checklist of the Italian Fauna: Simuliidae.. Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography. 37(2), 
Canditelli, M., Cafiero L. M., Cellamare C.M., Landolfo P G., Manzo S., Montereali M R., et al. (2022).  Use of Bioplastic Bags for the Collection of Organic Waste in an Electromechanical Composter: Effects on the Facility Management and the Compost Quality. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 13, 2399-2410.
Cerchier, P., Dabalà M., Pezzato L., Tammaro M., Zucaro A., Fiorentino G., et al. (2022).  Silicon-PV panels recycling: technologies and perspectives. Metallurgia Italiana. 114, 16-26.
Agathokleous, E., Barceló D., Aschner M., Azevedo R.A., Bhattacharya P., Costantini D., et al. (2022).  Rethinking Subthreshold Effects in Regulatory Chemical Risk Assessments. Environmental Science and Technology. 56, 11095-11099.
Pollino, M., Cappucci S., Pesaresi C., Farrace M.G., Morte L.D., & Vegliante G. (2022).  Multi-hazard Analysis and Mapping of Infrastructure Systems at National Level Using GIS Techniques: Preliminary Results. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 13377 LNCS, 153-168.
Cartes, J.E., Díaz-Viñolas D., Schirone A., Lombarte A., Barsanti M., Delbono I., et al. (2022).  How the reconstruction of faunal communities in a marine protected area (Columbretes Reserve, western Mediterranean) evidence human and natural impacts on fauna. Ecological Indicators. 142,
Azzurro, E., Ballerini T., Antoniadou C., Aversa G.D., Souissi J.B., Blašković A., et al. (2022).  ClimateFish: A Collaborative Database to Track the Abundance of Selected Coastal Fish Species as Candidate Indicators of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9,
Cappucci, S., Nappi S., & Cappelli A. (2022).  Green Public Areas and Urban Open Spaces Management: New GreenCAL Tool Algorithms and Circular Economy Implications. Land. 11,
Becagli, S., Barbaro E., Bonamano S., Caiazzo L., Di Sarra A., Feltracco M., et al. (2022).  Factors controlling atmospheric DMS and its oxidation products (MSA and nssSO4 2-) in the aerosol at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22(14), 9245 - 9263.
Corami, F., Rosso B., Iannilli V., Ciadamidaro S., Bravo B., & Barbante C. (2022).  Occurrence and Characterization of Small Microplastics (<100 μm), Additives, and Plasticizers in Larvae of Simuliidae. Toxics. 10, 383.
Manzo, S., Parrella L., Schiavo S., Spaziani F., Chiavarini S., Tebano C., et al. (2022).  Gathering new knowledge from existing monitoring dataset of Campania marine coastal area (Southern Italy). Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Marini, S., Bonofiglio F., Corgnati L.P., Bordone A., Schiaparelli S., & Peirano A. (2022).  Long-term automated visual monitoring of Antarctic benthic fauna. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Cera, A., Sighicelli M., Sodo A., Lecce F., Menegoni P., & Scalici M. (2022).  Microplastics distribution and possible ingestion by fish in lacustrine waters (Lake Bracciano, Italy). Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
de Sabata, E., Napolitano E., Iacono R., Palma M., Sannino G., & Bordone A. (2022).  Marine monitoring by SCUBA divers reveals new aspects of the temperature variability inside the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 271,
Sabia, G., Tammaro M., Cerchier P., Salluzzo A., & Brunelli K. (2022).  Treatment and management of the effluents generated by hydrometallurgical processes applied to End-of-Life Photovoltaic Panels. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 47,
Katsuyoshi, T., & Spaziani F. (2022).  The Challenge of Global CO2 Reduction: The Potential of the Method Based on Seawater Electrolysis. Advances in Environmental Studies. 6(1), 
Oliveri, E., Ausili A., Barsanti M., Conte F., Delbono I., Del Core M., et al. (2022).  Interferences between natural and anthropic hazards in marine-coastal environments: Assessing transport from land to the offshore systems in the Crotone basin (Ionian Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 271,
Passatore, L., Pietrini F., Carloni S., Massimi L., Giusto C., Zacchini M., et al. (2022).  Morpho-physiological and molecular responses of Lepidium sativum L. seeds induced by bismuth exposure. Science of the Total Environment. 831,
Bianchi, C. Nike, Azzola A., Cocito S., Morri C., Oprandi A., Peirano A., et al. (2022).  Biodiversity Monitoring in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas: Scientific and Methodological Challenges. Diversity. 14(1), 43.
Tnoumi, A., Angelone M., Armiento G., Caprioli R., Crovato C., De Cassan M., et al. (2022).  Heavy metal content and potential ecological risk assessment of sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon National Park (Morocco). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 194(5), 
Azzola, A., Bianchi C. Nike, Morri C., Oprandi A., Peirano A., & Montefalcone M. (2022).  Population structure change in a temperate reef coral after a quarter of century. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 270, 107851.
De Marco, A., García-Gómez H., Collalti A., Khaniabadi Y.O., Feng Z., Proietti C., et al. (2022).  Ozone modelling and mapping for risk assessment: An overview of different approaches for human and ecosystems health. Environmental Research. 211,
d'Aquino, L., Lanza B., Gambale E., Sighicelli M., Menegoni P., Modarelli G.C., et al. (2022).  Growth and metabolism of basil grown in a new-concept microcosm under different lighting conditions. Scientia Horticulturae. 299,