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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 44 55 56 47 58 52 51 51 52 35 4 505
Monografia 7 3 1 1 2 1 1 16
Presentazione a Congresso 10 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 35
Atti di Congresso 2 3 1 3 1 10
Miscellanea 2 2 3 1 2 10
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 2 1 3
Report 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 2 1 2 4 9
Brevetto 1 2 1 1 5
Web Article 1 1
Totale 67 65 69 55 67 57 61 56 57 39 4 597
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Tondeur, F., Cinelli G., & Dehandschutter B. (2014).  Homogenity of geological units with respect to the radon risk in the Walloon region of Belgium. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 136, 140-151.
Tollefsen, T., Cinelli G., Bossew P., Gruber V., & de Cort M. (2014).  From the European indoor radon map towards an atlas of natural radiation. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 162, 129-134.
Tositti, L., Brattich E., Cinelli G., & Baldacci D. (2014).  12 years of 7Be and 210Pb in Mt. Cimone, and their correlation with meteorological parameters. Atmospheric Environment. 87, 108-122.
Cappucci, S., & Maffucci M. (2014).  Struttura Multifunzionale Realizzata con Biomasse Spiaggiate. 1424765,
Sprocati, A. Rosa, Alisi C., & Tasso F. (2014).   “Biotechnology process for the removal of cohesive deposits of organic and inorganic origin from materials and works of historical and artistic interest”.
Mazzuoli, M., Armiento G., Crovato C., Nardi E., & Proposito M. (2014).  INFLUENCE OF WATER-ROCK INTERACTION AND OF UPRISING DEEP FLUIDS ON THE ARSENIC CONTENT IN THE GROUNDWATER OF VITERBO AREA. Flowpath 2014 – National Meeting on Hydrogeology.
Bergamasco, I., BONGIOVANNI GIOVANNI., Carpani B., Clemente P., Paciello A., & Serafini S. (2014).  Ambient vibration analysis for the characterization of soil and coverings of Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions.
Carpani, B., Marghella G., Marzo A., Candigliota E., Immordino F., & Bergamasco I. (2014).  A methodology for the safety assessment of protective roofs covering archaeological sites: the case of the Villa dei Misteri at Pompeii. SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions,
Carpani, B. (2014).  A survey of ancient geotechnical engineering techniques in subfoundation preparation. SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions,
Indirli, M., Marzo A., & Marghella G. (2014).  Il comportamento degli edifici industriali prefabbricati. Il notiziario della sicurezza. Gen/Feb 2014,
Marzo, A., Marghella G., Tamburrino S., & Indirli M. (2014).  The ecclesiastical complex of San Pietro Capofiume (BO): multidisciplinary approach for the retrofitting proposal. Prohitech ’14, 2nd International conference on protection of historical constructions.
Indirli, M., Bruni S., Geremei F., Marghella G., Marzo A., Moretti L., et al. (2014).  The reconstruction plan of the town of Arsita after the 2009 Abruzzo (Italy) seismic event. SAHC - Structural Analysis of Historical Construction.
Carpani, B., Marghella G., Marzo A., Candigliota E., Immordino F., & Bergamasco I. (2014).  A methodology for the safety assessment of protective roofs covering archaeological sites: the case of the “Villa dei Misteri” at Pompeii. SAHC - Structural Analysis of Historical Construction.
De Gisi, S., Petta L., Farina R., & De Feo G. (2014).  Development and application of a planning support tool in the municipal wastewater sector: The case study of Italy. Land Use Policy. 41, 260-273.
De Gisi, S., Petta L., Farina R., & De Feo G. (2014).  Using a new incentive mechanism to improve wastewater sector performance: The case study of Italy. Journal of Environmental Management. 132, 94-106.
Formisano, A., & Marzo A. (2014).  Seismic vulnerability assessment and retrofitting of a cultural heritage building in Cento, Ferrara, Italy. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 106,
Cruz, E.L.A., Barbier N., Bruni S., Maino G., Marghella G., Papalazarou E., et al. (2014).  Alteration phenomena on surfaces of stained glasses by masters from XIII to XV century. Springer Proceedings in Physics. 154, 171-176.
Manzo, S., Ansanelli G., Parrella L., Di Landa G., Massanisso P., & Schiavo S. (2014).  First evaluation of the threat posed by antifouling biocides in the Southern Adriatic Sea. Environmental Science: Processes Impacts,(2014). DOI: 10.1039/c3em00724c.
Pacella, A., Fantauzzi M., Turci F., Cremisini C., Montereali M R., Nardi E., et al. (2014).  Dissolution reaction and surface iron speciation of UICC crocidolite in buffered solution at pH 7.4: A combined ICP-OES, XPS and TEM investigation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 127, 221-232.
Carucci, V., Proposito M., Manetta M., Tallini M., Angelone M., De Cassan M., et al. (2014).  Minor elements Hydro-geochemistry for cabonate aquifer characterization (Gran Sasso, Central Italy). Flowpath 2014. National Meeting on Hydrogeology,
Manzo, S., Schiavo S., Aleksi P., & Tabaku A. (2014).  Application of a toxicity test battery integrated index for a first screening of the ecotoxicological threat posed by ports and harbors in the southern Adriatic Sea (Italy). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186, 7127-7139.
Prato, S., La Valle P., De Luca E., Lattanzi L., Migliore G., Morgana J G., et al. (2014).  The "one-out, all-out" principle entails the risk of imposing unnecessary restoration costs: A study case in two Mediterranean coastal lakes. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 80, 30-40.
Manzo, S., Ansanelli G., Parrella L., Di Landa G., Massanisso P., Schiavo S., et al. (2014).  First evaluation of the threat posed by antifouling biocides in the Southern Adriatic Sea. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. 16, 1981-1993.
Abraham, J., Gorman J., Reseghetti F., Sparrow E., Stark J., & Shepard T. (2014).  Modeling and numerical simulation of the forces acting on a sphere during early-water entry. Ocean Engineering. 76, 1-9.
Donnarumma, L., Lombardi C., Cocito S., & Gambi M. C. (2014).  Settlement pattern of Posidonia oceanica epibionts along a gradient of ocean acidification: an approach with mimics. MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE. 15, 498-509.
Lombardi, C., Taylor P.D., & Cocito S. (2014).  Bryozoan constructions in a changing mediterranean sea. The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges. 9789400767041, 373-384.
Scafè, M., Raiteri G., Brentari A., Dlacic R., Troiani E., Falaschetti M.P., et al. (2014).  Estimate of compressive strength of an unidirectional composite lamina using cross-ply and angle-ply laminates. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale. 8, 399-409.
Sprocati, A.R., Alisi C., Pinto V., Montereali M R., Marconi P., Tasso F., et al. (2014).  Assessment of the applicability of a "toolbox" designed for microbially assisted phytoremediation: The case study at Ingurtosu mining site (Italy). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21, 6939-6951.
Mazzoni, M., Alisi C., Tasso F., Cecchini A., Marconi P., & Sprocati A.R. (2014).  Laponite micro-packs for the selective cleaning of multiple coherent deposits on wall paintings: The case study of Casina Farnese on the Palatine Hill (Rome-Italy). International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 94, 1-11.
Yang, H., Martinelli L., Tasso F., Sprocati A.R., Pinzari F., Liu Z., et al. (2014).  A new biogenic, struvite-related phosphate, the ammonium-analog of hazenite, (NH4)NaMg2(PO4)2·14H2O Yang Hexiong American Mineralogist. 99, 1761-1766.
Sprocati, A.R., Alisi C., Tasso F., Fiore A., Marconi P., Langella F., et al. (2014).  Bioprospecting at former mining sites across Europe: Microbial and functional diversity in soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21, 6824-6835.
Tammaro, M., Salluzzo A., Perfetto R., & Lancia A. (2014).  A comparative evaluation of biological activated carbon and activated sludge processes for the treatment of tannery wastewater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2, 1445-1455.
Tammaro, M., Salluzzo A., Romano G., & Lancia A. (2014).  Comparative evaluation of ozonation and stripping methods to treat contaminated groundwater by trichloroethylene. Assessment of effects on the other matrix components. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2, 943-951.
Wernitznig, S., Adlassnig W., Sprocati A.R., Turnau K., Neagoe A., Alisi C., et al. (2014).  Plant growth promotion by inoculation with selected bacterial strains versus mineral soil supplements. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21, 6877-6887.
Smoliński, T., Deptuła A., Olczak T., Łada W., Brykała M., Wojtowicz P., et al. (2014).  Perovskite synthesis via complex sol-gel process to immobilize radioactive waste elements. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 299, 675-680.
Frangini, S., Masci A., McPhail S.J., Soccio T., & Zaza F. (2014).  Degradation behavior of a commercial 13Cr ferritic stainless steel (SS405) exposed to an ambient air atmosphere for IT-SOFC interconnect applications. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 144, 491-497.
Dell'Era, A., Pasquali M., Lupi C., & Zaza F. (2014).  Purification of nickel or cobalt ion containing effluents by electrolysis on reticulated vitreous carbon cathode. Hydrometallurgy. 150, 1-8.
Smoliński, T., Deptuła A., Lada W., Olczak T., Chmielewski A.G., & Zaza F. (2014).  Nuclear waste immobilization into structure of zirconolite by complex sol gel process. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1683,
Zaza, F., Frangini S., Leoncini J., Luisetto I., Masci A., Pasquali M., et al. (2014).  Temperature-independent sensors based on perovskite-type oxides. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1603, 53-61.
Mieszkowska, N., Burrows M.T., Pannacciulli F., & Hawkins S.J. (2014).  Multidecadal signals within co-occurring intertidal barnacles Semibalanus balanoides and Chthamalus spp. linked to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Journal of Marine Systems. 133, 70-76.
Aguiar, F.C., Segurado P., Urbanič G., Cambra J., Chauvin C., Ciadamidaro S., et al. (2014).  Comparability of river quality assessment using macrophytes: A multi-step procedure to overcome biogeographical differences. Science of the Total Environment. 476-477, 757-767.
Feio, M.J., Aguiar F.C., Almeida S.F.P., Ferreira J., Ferreira M.T., Elias C., et al. (2014).  Least Disturbed Condition for European Mediterranean rivers. Science of the Total Environment. 476-477, 745-756.
De Marco, A., Vitale M., Kilic U., Serengil Y., & Paoletti E. (2014).  Discussion on the new functions for estimating AOT40 from passive sampling. Atmospheric Environment. 98, 704-706.
Vitale, M., Proietti C., Cionni I., Fischer R., & De Marco A. (2014).  Random forests analysis: A useful tool for defining the relative importance of environmental conditions on crown defoliation. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 225,
De Marco, A., Vitale M., Kilic U., Serengil Y., & Paoletti E. (2014).  New functions for estimating AOT40 from ozone passive sampling. Atmospheric Environment. 95, 82-88.
Paoletti, E., De Marco A., Beddows D.C.S., Harrison R.M., & Manning W.J. (2014).  Ozone levels in European and USA cities are increasing more than at rural sites, while peak values are decreasing. Environmental Pollution. 192, 295-299.
Westhoek, H., Lesschen J.P., Rood T., Wagner S., De Marco A., Murphy-Bokern D., et al. (2014).  Food choices, health and environment: Effects of cutting Europe's meat and dairy intake. Global Environmental Change. 26, 196-205.
Delfanti, R., Özsoy E., Kaberi H., Schirone A., Salvi S., Conte F., et al. (2014).  Evolution and fluxes of 137Cs in the black sea/turkish straits system/north aegean sea. Journal of Marine Systems. 135, 117-123.
Stefanova, M., Tripepi C., Zamagni A., & Masoni P. (2014).  Goal and scope in life cycle sustainability analysis: The case of hydrogen production from biomass. Sustainability (Switzerland). 6, 5463-5475.
De Marco, A., Proietti C., Cionni I., Fischer R., Screpanti A., & Vitale M. (2014).  Future impacts of nitrogen deposition and climate change scenarios on forest crown defoliation. Environmental Pollution. 194, 171-180.