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Pubblicazioni della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Impatti Antropici e del Cambiamento Climatico sul Territorio attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 44 55 56 47 58 52 51 51 52 35 4 505
Presentazione a Congresso 10 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 35
Monografia 7 3 1 1 2 1 1 16
Atti di Congresso 2 3 1 3 1 10
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 2 1 3
Miscellanea 2 2 3 1 2 10
Brevetto 1 2 1 1 5
Report 1 1 1 3
Capitolo di Monografia 2 1 2 4 9
Web Article 1 1
Totale 67 65 69 55 67 57 61 56 57 39 4 597
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Davolos, D., Chimenti C., Ronci L., Setini A., Iannilli V., Pietrangeli B., et al. (2015).  An integrated study on Gammarus elvirae (Crustacea, Amphipoda): perspectives for toxicology of arsenic-contaminated freshwater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22,
Baratti, M., Cattonaro F., Di Lorenzo T., Galassi D.M.P., Iannilli V., Iannucci A., et al. (2015).  Genomic Resources Notes Accepted 1 October 2014-30 November 2014. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15,
Ronci, L., Iannilli V., De Matthaeis E., Di Donato G., & Setini A. (2015).  Evaluation of Genotoxic Potential of Waters from Two Italian Rivers in Gammarus elvirae (Amphipoda). Water Environment Research. 87(11), 2008 - 2017.
Bacchetta, L., Rovira M., Tronci C., Aramini M., Drogoudi P., Silva A.P., et al. (2015).  A multidisciplinary approach to enhance the conservation and use of hazelnut Corylus avellana L. genetic resources. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 62, 649-663.
Bacchetta, L., Rovira M., Tronci C., Aramini M., Drogoudi P., Silva A.P., et al. (2015).  Erratum to A multidisciplinary approach to enhance the conservation and use of hazelnut Corylus avellana L. genetic resources (Genet Resour Crop Evol, (2015), 10.1007/s10722-014-0173-7). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 62, 807-808.
Faggiano, B., & Marzo A. (2015).  A method for the determination of the timber density through the statistical assessment of ND transverse measurements aimed at in situ mechanical identification of existing timber structures. Construction and Building Materials. 101, 1235-1240.
Minciardi, M R. (2015).  Alien species in natural environments: A treath for biodiversity conservation [Le specie esotiche negli ambienti naturali: Una minaccia per la conservazione della biodiversità]. Italian Botanist. 47, 347-348.
Saitta, F., Clemente P., Buffarini G., & Bongiovanni G. (2015).  Seismic analysis and retrofit of a mid-rise building. COMPDYN 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 3909-3918.
Clemente, P., Bongiovanni G., Buffarini G., & Saitta F. (2015).  Seismic input in the structural design: Considerations and application to the Italian territory. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering. 5, 101-112.
Puglisi, C., Falconi L., Gioè C., & Leoni G. (2015).  Contribution to the runout evaluation of potential debris flows in Peloritani Mountains (Messina, Italy). Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes. 509-513.
Falconi, L., Gioè C., Malerba S., & Puglisi C. (2015).  Preliminary remarks about rainfall thresholds for triggering debris flows on the Messina area. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes. 1547-1551.
Leoni, G., Campolo D., Falconi L., Gioè C., Lumaca S., Puglisi C., et al. (2015).  Heuristic method for landslide susceptibility assessment in the Messina municipality. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes. 501-504.
Malerba, S., Brustia E., Campolo D., Comerci V., Falconi L., Gioè C., et al. (2015).  Landslides inventory in the Messina municipality area: Integration of historical and field survey data. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes. 967-970.
Napoli, R., Crovato C., Falconi L., & Gioè C. (2015).  Soil water content and triggering of debris flows in the Messina area (Italy): Preliminary remarks. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes. 2113-2117.
Armiento, G., Baiocchi A., Cremisini C., Crovato C., Lotti F., Lucentini L., et al. (2015).  An Integrated Approach to Identify Water Resources for Human Consumption in an Area Affected by High Natural Arsenic Content. Water (Switzerland). 7, 5078-5090.
Pacella, A., Fantauzzi M., Turci F., Cremisini C., Montereali M R., Nardi E., et al. (2015).  Surface alteration mechanism and topochemistry of iron in tremolite asbestos: A step toward understanding the potential hazard of amphibole asbestos. Chemical Geology. 405, 28-38.
Manojlovic, M., Angelone M., Armiento G., Cabilovski R., Ciric V., Montereali M R., et al. (2015).  Preliminary data on PGES (platinum group elements) and REE (rare earth elements) in urban soils in Novi Sad (Serbia) in relation to car catalytic converters emission. 9th Congress protection of soil as a factor of sustainable development of rural areas and improvement of environment.
Grillini, M., De Cassan M., & Proposito M. (2015).  A Hydrological and geochemical survey of the groundwater resource of Favignana Island. Energia Ambiente e Innovazione.
Manzo, S., Buono S., Rametta G., Miglietta M., Schiavo S., & Di Francia G. (2015).  The diverse toxic effect of SiO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles toward the marine microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22, 15941-15951.
Lucey, N.M., Lombardi C., DeMarchi L., Schulze A., Gambi M.C., & Calosi P. (2015).  To brood or not to brood: Are marine invertebrates that protect their offspring more resilient to ocean acidification?. Scientific Reports. 5,
Lombardi, C., Cocito S., Gambi M. Cristina, & Taylor P. D. (2015).  Morphological plasticity in a calcifying modular organism: evidence from an in situ transplant experiment in a natural CO2 vent system. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE. 2,
Nannini, M., De Marchi L., Lombardi C., & Ragazzola F. (2015).  Effects of thermal stress on the growth of an intertidal population of Ellisolandia elongata (Rhodophyta) from N-W Mediterranean Sea. Marine Environmental Research. 112, 11-19.
Taylor, P. D., Lombardi C., & Cocito S. (2015).  Biomineralization in bryozoans: present, past and future. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS. 90, 1118-1150.
Pensieri, S., Bozzano R., Schiano M.E., Pensieri L., Traverso F., Trucco A., et al. (2015).  Environmental acoustic noise observations in Tethys Bay (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica). 2014 Oceans - St. John's, OCEANS 2014.
Tammaro, M., Rimauro J., Fiandra V., & Salluzzo A. (2015).  Thermal treatment of waste photovoltaic module for recovery and recycling: Experimental assessment of the presence of metals in the gas emissions and in the ashes. Renewable Energy. 81, 103-112.
Miglietta, M.L., Rametta G., Manzo S., Salluzzo A., Rimauro J., & Di Francia G. (2015).  Methodological issues about techniques for the spiking of standard OECD soil with nanoparticles: evidence of different behaviours. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 17,
Pecci, L., Ciuffardi T., Reseghetti F., Picco P., Fichaut M., & Schaap D. (2015).  Using SeaDataNet management system to preserve the XBT data-set of the Mediterranean Sea. MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World.
Zaza, F., Pallozzi V., Serra E., & Pasquali M. (2015).  Combustion synthesis of LaFeO3 sensing nanomaterial. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1667,
Zaza, F., Orio G., Serra E., Caprioli F., & Pasquali M. (2015).  Low-Temperature capacitive sensor based on perovskite oxides. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1667,
Cossu, P., Maltagliati F., Pannacciulli F., Simonini R., Massamba-N'Siala G., Casu M., et al. (2015).  Phylogeography of Ophryotrocha labronica (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae) along the Italian coasts. Marine Ecology. 36, 1088-1097.
De Gisi, S., Sabia G., Casella P., & Farina R. (2015).  An integrated approach for monitoring efficiency and investments of activated sludge-based wastewater treatment plants at large spatial scale. Science of the Total Environment. 523, 201-218.
Ceschin, S., Minciardi M R., Spada C.D., & Abati S. (2015).  Bryophytes of alpine and apennine mountain streams: Floristic features and ecological notes. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 36, 267-283.
De Marco, A., Sicard P., Vitale M., Carriero G., Renou C., & Paoletti E. (2015).  Metrics of ozone risk assessment for Southern European forests: Canopy moisture content as a potential plant response indicator. Atmospheric Environment. 120, 182-190.
Verrubbi, V., Bongiovanni G., Screpanti A., Clemente P., Martire G., & Simonetti C. (2015).  Ambient noise measurements on the earth dam at Bomba, Italy. SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure.
Fattoruso, G., Agresta A., Pollino M., Pasanisi F., De Vito S., & Di Francia G. (2015).  Integration of wireless sensor network and hydrologic/hydraulic ontologies for flooding forecasting. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 319, 327-330.
Falconi, L., Peloso A., Puglisi C., Screpanti A., Tatì A., & Verrubbi V. (2015).  Rockfalls monitoring along eastern coastal cliffs of the Favignana Island (Egadi, Sicily): Preliminary remarks. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8: Preservation of Cultural Heritage. 287-292.
Failla, I., Recupero A., Ricciardi G., & Saitta F. (2015).  Fatigue analysis induced by vibrations in stay-cables subjected to along wind turbulence component. Multi-Span Large Bridges - Proceedings of the International Conference on Multi-Span Large Bridges, 2015. 1189-1196.
Clemente, P., Saitta F., Buffarini G., & Platania L. (2015).  Stability and seismic analyses of leaning towers: The case of the minaret in Jam. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 24, 40-58.
Locritani, M., Beranzoli L., Carmisciano C., Embriaco D., Muccini F., Favali P., et al. (2015).  Investigating the mediterranean by seafloor observations: The eastern branch of the EMSO Ligurian Sea node. MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World.
Santangelo, G., Cupido R., Cocito S., Bramanti L., Priori C., Erra F., et al. (2015).  Effects of increased mortality on gorgonian corals (Cnidaria, Octocorallia): different demographic features may lead affected populations to unexpected recovery and new equilibrium points. HYDROBIOLOGIA. 759, 171-187.
Beltrani, T., Chiavarini S., Cicero D.O., Grimaldi M., Ruggeri C., Tamburini E., et al. (2015).  Chemical characterization and surface properties of a new bioemulsifier produced by Pedobacter sp. strain MCC-Z. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 72, 1090-1096.
Guarino, R., Cutaia F., Giacopelli A. L., Menegoni P., Pelagallo F., Trotta C., et al. (2015).  Disintegration of Italian rural landscapes to international environmental agreements. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics pp 1-12.
Colucci, F., & Menegoni P. (2015).  Nutrirsi, un fenomeno complesso. SCIENZA&SOCIETA’. 23/24,
P., D. Carli L. D., Perrotta G., Bevivino A., Bianco L., Capodicasa C., Caprioli R., et al. (2015).  Indicatori di qualità per la IV gamma. Ingredienti Alimentari. 78,
Colucci, F., Menegoni P., Sighicelli M., Lecce F., Guarino R., Trotta C., et al. (2015).  Amori Botanici.
Di Carli, M., De Rossi P., Paganin P., Del Fiore A., Lecce F., Capodicasa C., et al. (2015).  Bacterial community and proteome analysis of fresh-cut lettuce as affected by packaging. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 362,
Paganin, P., Fiscarelli E.V., Tuccio V., Chiancianesi M., Bacci G., Morelli P., et al. (2015).  Changes in cystic fibrosis airway microbial community associated with a severe decline in lung function. PLoS ONE. 10,
Rossetti, I., & Bagella S. (2014).  Mediterranean Quercus suber wooded grasslands risk disappearance: New evidences from Sardinia (Italy). Forest Ecology and Management. 329, 148-157.
Braga, R., & Cinelli G. (2014).  The gabbro and serpentinized peridotite of Bonassola (Bracco-Levanto ophiolite, Italy) - An extremely low natural radiation area to improve in situ gamma spectrometry. Ofioliti. 39, 43-49.
Tondeur, F., & Cinelli G. (2014).  A software for indoor radon risk mapping based on geology. Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection. 29, S59-S63.