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The twentieth century african easterly waves in reanalysis systems and IPCC simulations, from intra-seasonal to inter-annual variability, Ruti, P.M., and Dell'Aquila Alessandro , Climate Dynamics, Volume 35, Number 6, p.1099-1117, (2010)
Tyrrhenian Sea circulation and water mass fluxes in spring 2004: Observations and model results, Vetrano, A., Napolitano Ernesto, Iacono Roberto, Schroeder K., and Gasparini G.P. , Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Jan-01-2010, Volume 115, Issue C6, Number 6, (2010)
Ultrastructural alterations induced by tropospheric ozone: Comparison between resistant and sensitive clones of Trifolium repens L. CV. Regal, Basile, A., Esposito S., Sorbo S., Napolitano Ernesto, Conte B., Salvatori Elisabetta, and Manes F. , International Journal of Environment and Health, Volume 4, Number 2-3, p.260-277, (2010)
Upper layer current variability in the Central Ligurian Sea, Picco, P., Cappelletti Andrea, Sparnocchia S., Schiano M.E., Pensieri S., and Bozzano R. , Ocean Science, Volume 6, Number 4, p.825-836, (2010)
Upper ocean layer dynamics and response to atmospheric forcing in the Terra Nova Bay polynya, Antarctica, Cappelletti, Andrea, Picco P., and Peluso T. , Antarctic Science, Volume 22, Number 3, p.319-329, (2010)
Urban and agricultural soil ecotoxicity and heavy metal contamination, Manzo, Sonia, F. Picione De Luca, Rocco A., Carotenuto R., and Maisto G. , Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 8 B, p.1749-1755, (2010)
Use of essential oil of Laurus nobilis obtained by means of a supercritical carbon dioxide technique against post harvest spoilage fungi, De Corato, Ugo, Maccioni Oliviero, Trupo Mario, and Di Sanzo Giuseppe , Crop Protection, Volume 29, Number 2, p.142-147, (2010)
Use of Incinerator Bottom Ash for Frit Production, Barberio, Grazia, Buttol P., Masoni P., Scalbi S., Andreola F., Barbieri L., and Lancellotti I. , Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 14, Number 2, p.200-216, (2010)
UV cross-linked, lithium-conducting ternary polymer electrolytes containing ionic liquids, Kim, G.T., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Carewska M., Joost M., Balducci A., Winter M., and Passerini S. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 195, Number 18, p.6130-6137, (2010)
Validation of simulated atmospheric fields for air quality modeling purposes in Italy, Vitali, Lina, Finardi S., Pace Giandomenico, Piersanti Antonio, and Zanini Gabriele , HARMO 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, p.609-613, (2010)
Valorizzazione commerciale del siero di latte bufalino nel rispetto dell’ambiente, Pizzichini, Massimo, Russo C., Vitagliano M., and Pizzichini Daniele , Alimenta, 2010, Volume 18, p.115 - 120, (2010)
Water quality and relationship between superficial and ground water in Rome (Aniene river basin, central Italy), La Vigna, F., Ciadamidaro S., Mazza R., and Mancini L. , Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume 60, Number 6, p.1267-1279, (2010)
Water quality and soil natural salinity in the southern Imera Basin (Sicily, Italy)., Selvaggi, R., Colonna Nicola, Lupia F., Murgia M.S., and Poletti A. , Ital. J. Agron., 06/2010, Volume 3, p.89, (2010)
Water quality and soil natural salinity in the Southern Imera basin (Sicily, Italy), Selvaggi, R., Colonna Nicola, Lupia F., Murgia M.S., and Poletti A. , Italian Journal of Agronomy, Volume 5, Number 3 SUPPL, p.81-89, (2010)
Water vapour distribution at urban scale using high-resolution numerical weather model and spaceborne SAR interferometric data, Pichelli, Emanuela, Ferretti R., Cimini D., Perissin D., Montopoli M., Marzano F.S., and Pierdicca N. , Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, Volume 10, Number 1, p.121 – 132, (2010)
A wire patch cell exposure system for in vitro experiments at wi-fi frequencies, Paffi, A, Liberti M, Lopresto Vanni, Merla Caterina, Lodato R, Lovisolo GA, and Apollonio F , IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 58, Number 12 PART 2, p.4086-4093, (2010)
A Wire Patch Cell for "in vitro" exposure at the Wi-Fi frequencies, Paffi, A., Apollonio F., Liberti M., Lovisolo G.A., Lodato R., Merla Caterina, Mancini S., Chicarella S., and d'Inzeo G. , IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p.772-775, (2010)
Zea mays (L) in areas with different anthropic pollution sources: Relations between toxic element contents in soils and vegetable tissues, Manniello, Antonello, Zappa Giovanna, and Zoani Claudia , Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 3, p.526-536, (2010)
γ Ray dosimetry and mating capacity studies in the laboratory on aedes albopictus males, Balestrino, F., Medici A., Candini G., Carrieri M., MacCagnani B., Calvitti Maurizio, Maini S., and Bellini R. , Journal of Medical Entomology, Volume 47, Number 4, p.581-591, (2010)
AB5/ABS composite material for hydrogen storage, Pentimalli, Marzia, Padella F., Pilloni L., Imperi E., and Matricardi P. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Number 10, p.4592-4596, (2009)
Abundance, temporal distribution and zonation patterns of talitrids on two apulian sandy beaches (Southern Italy), Pavesi, L., Chelazzi L., Iannilli Valentina, Lucchesi B., Renzi A., and De Matthaeis E. , Vie et Milieu, 2009///, Volume 59, p.7 - 20, (2009)
Accessing extremes of mid-latitudinal wave activity: Methodology and application, Vitolo, R., Ruti P.M., Dell'Aquila Alessandro, Felici M., Lucarini V., and Speranza A. , Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, Volume 61 A, Number 1, p.35-49, (2009)
Activation of NOD2-mediated intestinal pathway in a pediatric population with Crohn's disease, Negroni, Anna, Stronati L., Pierdomenico Maria, Tirindella D., Di Nardo G., Mancini V., Maiella G., and Cucchiara S. , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Volume 15, Number 8, p.1145-1154, (2009)
Activity of tyrosine kinase inhibitor Dasatinib in neuroblastoma cells in vitro and in orthotopic mouse model., Vitali, Roberta, Mancini Camillo, Cesi Vincenzo, Tanno Barbara, Piscitelli Marta, Mancuso Mariateresa, Sesti Fabiola, Pasquali Emanuela, Calabretta Bruno, Dominici Carlo, et al. , Int J Cancer, 2009 Dec 01, Volume 125, Issue 11, Number 11, p.2547-55, (2009)
All-round experimental analysis of H2S effects on a single MCFC in laboratory conditions, Cigolotti, V., R. Presti Lo, McPhail S., Moreno A., Paoletti C., Simonetti E., Zaza F., Yoon S.P., Nam S.W., and Lim T.-H. , EFC 2009 - Piero Lunghi Conference, Proceedings of the 3rd European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference, p.351-352, (2009)