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Metal distribution in sediments from the Adriatic Sea, Calace, N., Cardellicchio N., Petronio B.M., Pietrantonio Massimiliana, and Pietroletti M. , Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Volume 92, Number 6, p.1065-1081, (2010)
Metal ion implantation in inert polymers for strain gauge applications, Di Girolamo, G., Massaro M., Piscopiello E., and Tapfer Leander , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 268, Number 19, p.2878-2882, (2010)
Metal oxide nanoparticles induce cytotoxic effects on human lung epithelial cells A549, Moschini, E., Gualtieri Maurizio, Gallinotti D., Pezzolato E., Fascio U., Camatini M., and Mantecca P. , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 22, p.29-34, (2010)
Metal-functionalized and vertically-aligned multiwalled carbon nanotube layers for low temperature gas sensing applications, Penza, Michele, Rossi R., Alvisi Marco, Signore M.A., Cassano Gennaro, Pentassuglia Rocco, Suriano Domenico, Pfister Valerio, and Serra Emanuele , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 54 LNEE, Pavia, p.185-191, (2010)
Metallographic and numerical studies of the role of catalyst particles of MgH2-Mg system, Celino, M., Montone Amelia, Cleri F., Aurora A., Mirabile Gattia Daniele, Giusepponi S., and Antisari M.V. , Defect and Diffusion Forum, Volume 297-301, p.263-268, (2010)
Metalloporphyrins-modified carbon nanotubes networked films-based chemical sensors for enhanced gas sensitivity, Penza, Michele, Rossi R., Alvisi Marco, Signore M.A., Serra Emanuele, Paolesse R., D'Amico A., and Di Natale C. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 144, Number 2, p.387-394, (2010)
Metal-modified and vertically aligned carbon nanotube sensors array for landfill gas monitoring applications, Penza, Michele, Rossi R., Alvisi Marco, and Serra Emanuele , Nanotechnology, Volume 21, Number 10, (2010)
Methodologies for inter-dependency assessment, D'Agostino, G., Bologna S., Fioriti Vincenzo, Casalicchio E., Brasca L., Ciapessoni E., and Buschi S. , 2010 5th International Conference on Critical Infrastructure, CRIS 2010 - Proceedings, Beijing, (2010)
A metric for measuring the strength of inter-dependencies, Ruzzante, S., Castorini E., Marchei E., and Fioriti Vincenzo , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6351 LNCS, Vienna, p.291-302, (2010)
MicroRNA-92 modulates K(+) Cl(-) co-trasporter KCC2 expression in cerebellar granule neurons, Barbato, Christian, Ruberti Francesca, Pieri Massimo, Vilardo Elisa, Costanzo Manuela, Ciotti Maria Teresa, Zona Cristina, and Cogoni Carlo , Journal of Neurochemistry, Volume 113, (2010)
Microsatellite instability in radiation-induced murine tumours; Influence of tumour type and radiation quality, Haines, J., Bacher J., Coster M., Huiskamp R., Meijne E., Mancuso Mariateresa, Pazzaglia Simonetta, and Bouffler S. , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 86, Number 7, p.555-568, (2010)
Microstrip-based nanosecond pulse generators: Numerical and circuital modeling, Merla, Caterina, El-Amari S., Danei F., Liberti M., Apollonio F., Arnaud-Cormos D., Couderc V., and Leveque P. , IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p.101-104, (2010)
Microstructural and thermal properties of plasma sprayed mullite coatings, Di Girolamo, G., Blasi C., Pilloni L., and Schioppa M. , Ceramics International, Volume 36, Number 4, p.1389-1395, (2010)
Microwave subnanosecond pulse generation and shaping by using infrared optoelectronic switching, S. Amari, El, Kenaan M., Merla Caterina, Arnaud-Cormos D., Leveque P., and Couderc V. , Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, IPMHVC 2010, p.391-392, (2010)
On modeling and measuring inter-dependencies among critical infrastructures, Fioriti, Vincenzo, D'Agostino G., and Bologna S. , COMPENG 2010 - Complexity in Engineering, Rome, p.85-87, (2010)
On modelling of inter-dependent network infrastructures by extended leontief models, D'Agostino, G., Cannata R., and Rosato V. , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6027 LNCS, Bonn, p.1-13, (2010)
Modelling the effects of land-cover changes on surface climate in the Mediterranean region, Anav, A., Ruti P.M., Artale V., and Valentini R. , Climate Research, Volume 41, Number 2, p.91-104, (2010)
Molecular and chemical mechanisms involved in aphid resistance in cultivated tomato., Digilio, Maria Cristina, Corrado Giandomenico, Sasso Raffaele, Coppola Valentina, Iodice Luigi, Pasquariello M., Bossi S., Maffei Massimo E., Coppola Mariangela, Pennacchio Francesco, et al. , The New phytologist, 2010 Sep, Volume 187, p.1089-101, (2010)
Molecular phylogeography of two Italian sibling species of Calobius (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae, Ochthebiinae) inhabiting mediterranean marine rock-pools, Antonini, G., Audisio P., Mancini E., de Biase A., Tronci Carlo, Rossetti G., and Trizzino M. , Marine Biology, Volume 157, Number 2, p.371-381, (2010)
Molten carbonate fuel cells fed with biogas: Combating H2S, Ciccoli, R., Cigolotti V., R. Presti Lo, Massi E., McPhail S.J., Monteleone G., Moreno A., Naticchioni V., Paoletti C., Simonetti E., et al. , Waste Management, Volume 30, Number 6, p.1018-1024, (2010)
Morphogenetic Status of Somatic Embryos of Citrus sinensis from Mature Polyembryonic Seeds and Those Produced In Vitro, Moiseeva, N.A., Serebryakova V.N., Nardi Luca, Lucretti Sergio, and Nosov A.M. , Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, Volume 57, Number 5, p.720-731, (2010)
Multi-hazard maps for the Valparaiso area (Chile), Indirli, Maurizio, Puglisi Claudio, Screpanti Augusto, and Romanelli F. , COST ACTION C26: Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events - Proceedings of the Final Conference, Naples, p.999-1004, (2010)
Multi-method and multi-scale analysis of energy and resource conversion and use, Sergio, U., Ascione M., Bargigli S., Cherubini F., Federici M., Franzese P.P., Raugei M., Viglia Silvio, and Zucaro Amalia , NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, p.1-36, (2010)
Multi-model assessment of stratospheric ozone return dates and ozone recovery in CCMVal-2 models, Eyring, V., Cionni Irene, Bodeker G.E., Charlton-Perez A.J., Kinnison D.E., Scinocca J.F., Waugh D.W., Akiyoshi H., Bekki S., Chipperfield M.P., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 10, Number 19, p.9451-9472, (2010)
A multiscale analysis of canopy structure in Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus cerris L. old-growth forests in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, Manes, F., Ricotta C., Salvatori Elisabetta, Bajocco S., and Blasi C. , Plant Biosystems, Volume 144, Number 1, p.202-210, (2010)