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Interaction of the Sea Breeze with the Urban Area of Rome: WRF Mesoscale and WRF Large-Eddy Simulations Compared to Ground-Based Observations

TitoloInteraction of the Sea Breeze with the Urban Area of Rome: WRF Mesoscale and WRF Large-Eddy Simulations Compared to Ground-Based Observations
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2022
AutoriDi Bernardino, Annalisa, Mazzarella Vincenzo, Pecci Mattia, Casasanta Giampietro, Cacciani Marco, and Ferretti Rossella
RivistaBoundary-Layer Meteorology
Paginazione333 - 363
Data di pubblicazioneJan-12-2022
Titolo breveBoundary-Layer Meteorol
Citation Key12656