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On the effects of 30.5 GHz sinusoidal wave exposure on glioblastoma organoids

TitoloOn the effects of 30.5 GHz sinusoidal wave exposure on glioblastoma organoids
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2024
AutoriRampazzo, Elena, Persano Luca, Karim Nissar, Hodgking George, Pinto Rosanna, Casciati Arianna, Tanori Mirella, Zambotti Alessandro, Bresolin Silvia, Cani Alice, Pannicelli A., Davies Ilan W., Hancock Cristopher, Palego Cristiano, Viola Giampietro, Mancuso Mariateresa, and Merla Caterina
RivistaFrontiers in Oncology
Type of ArticleArticle

Introduction: Glioblastoma (grade IV) is the most aggressive primary brain tumor in adults, representing one of the biggest therapeutic challenges due to its highly aggressive nature. In this study, we investigated the impact of millimeter waves on tridimensional glioblastoma organoids derived directly from patient tumors. Our goal was to explore novel therapeutic possibilities in the fight against this challenging disease. Methods: The exposure setup was meticulously developed in-house, and we employed a comprehensive dosimetry approach, combining numerical and experimental methods. Biological endpoints included a global transcriptional profiling analysis to highlight possible deregulated pathways, analysis of cell morphological changes, and cell phenotypic characterization which are all important players in the control of glioblastoma progression. Results and discussion: Our results revealed a significant effect of continuous millimeter waves at 30.5 GHz on cell proliferation and apoptosis, although without affecting the differentiation status of glioblastoma cells composing the organoids. Excitingly, when applying a power level of 0.1 W (Root Mean Square), we discovered a remarkable (statistically significant) therapeutic effect when combined with the chemotherapeutic agent Temozolomide, leading to increased glioblastoma cell death. These findings present a promising interventional window for treating glioblastoma cells, harnessing the potential therapeutic benefits of 30.5 GHz CW exposure. Temperature increase during treatments was carefully monitored and simulated with a good agreement, demonstrating a negligible involvement of the temperature elevation for the observed effects. By exploring this innovative approach, we pave the way for improved future treatments of glioblastoma that has remained exceptionally challenging until now. Copyright © 2024 Rampazzo, Persano, Karim, Hodgking, Pinto, Casciati, Tanori, Zambotti, Bresolin, Cani, Pannicelli, Davies, Hancock, Palego, Viola, Mancuso and Merla.


Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Gold Open Access

Citation KeyRampazzo2024