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Produzione Scientifica

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A chimeric Potato virus X encoding a heterologous peptide affects Nicotiana benthamiana chloroplast structure, Betti, C., Lico Chiara, Iriti M., D'Angeli S., Benvenuto Eugenio, Baschieri Selene, and Faoro F. , Plant Biosystems, Jan-09-2010, Volume 144, Issue 3, Number 3, p.725-732, (2010)
Efficient Agrobacterium-based transient expression system for the production of biopharmaceuticals in plants, Circelli, P., Donini Marcello, Villani Maria Elena, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Marusic Carla , Bioengineered Bugs, Volume 1, Number 3, p.221-224, (2010)
Identification of putative stage-specific grapevine berry biomarkers and omics data integration into networks, Zamboni, A., Di Carli Mariasole, Guzzo F., Stocchero M., Zenoni S., Ferrarini A., Tononi P., Toffali K., Desiderio Angiola, Lilley K.S., et al. , Plant Physiology, 2010, Volume 154, p.1439 - 1459, (2010)
Optimisation of the purification process of a tumour-targeting antibody produced in N. benthamiana using vacuum-agroinfiltration, Lombardi, R., Villani Maria Elena, Di Carli M., Brunetti P., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Donini Marcello , Transgenic Research, Volume 19, Number 6, p.1083-1097, (2010)
Proteomic analysis of the plant-virus interaction in cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistant transgenic tomato, Di Carli, M., Villani Maria Elena, Bianco L., Lombardi R., Perrotta Gaetano, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Donini Marcello , Journal of Proteome Research, Volume 9, Number 11, p.5684-5697, (2010)
Transient expression systems for plant-derived biopharmaceuticals, Komarova, T.V., Baschieri Selene, Donini Marcello, Marusic Carla, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Dorokhov Y.L. , Expert Review of Vaccines, Volume 9, Number 8, p.859-876, (2010)
High-level HIV-1 Nef transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana using the P19 gene silencing suppressor protein of Artichoke Mottled Crinckle Virus, Lombardi, R., Circelli P., Villani Maria Elena, Buriani G., Nardi Luca, Coppola V., Bianco L., Benvenuto Eugenio, Donini Marcello, and Marusic Carla , BMC Biotechnology, Volume 9, (2009)
Leaf proteome analysis of transgenic plants expressing antiviral antibodies, Carli, M.D., Villani Maria Elena, Renzone G., Nardi Luca, Pasquo A., Franconi Rosella, Scaloni A., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Desiderio Angiola , Journal of Proteome Research, Volume 8, Number 2, p.838-848, (2009)
Plant pharming of a full-sized, tumour-targeting antibody using different expression strategies, Villani, Maria Elena, Morgun B., Brunetti P., Marusic Carla, Lombardi R., Pisoni I., Bacci C., Desiderio Angiola, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Donini Marcello , Plant Biotechnology Journal, Volume 7, Number 1, p.59-72, (2009)
Plant-based strategies aimed at expressing HIV antigens and neutralizing antibodies at high levels. Nef as a case study, Marusic, Carla, Vitale A., Pedrazzini E., Donini Marcello, Frigerio L., Bock R., Dix P.J., McCabe M.S., Bellucci M., and Benvenuto Eugenio , Transgenic Research, 2009, Volume 18, p.499 - 512, (2009)
Plant-produced potato virus X chimeric particles displaying an influenza virus-derived peptide activate specific CD8+ T cells in mice, Lico, Chiara, Mancini C., Italiani P., Betti C., Boraschi D., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Baschieri Selene , Vaccine, Volume 27, Number 37, p.5069-5076, (2009)
Plant-produced potato virus X chimeric particles displaying an influenza virus-derived peptide activate specific CD8+ T cells in mice., Lico, Chiara, Mancini Camillo, Italiani Paola, Betti Camilla, Boraschi Diana, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Baschieri Selene , Vaccine, 2009 Aug 13, Volume 27, Issue 37, p.5069-76, (2009)
Strawberry proteome characterization and its regulation during fruit ripening and in different genotypes, Bianco, L., Lopez L., Scalone Anna Grazia, Di Carli Mariasole, Desiderio Angiola, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Perrotta Gaetano , Journal of Proteomics, 2009, Volume 72, p.586 - 607, (2009)